In Case You Miss The Fred

Fred & Jeri Thompson will be guest-hosting Sean Hannity’s radio show today (3-6pm Eastern).


  1. Thank God! At least for one day, that conservative radio show will actually be conservative…instead of ridiculous, endless “debates” with brain-dead socialist lefties.

  2. I don’t Know how he found the time to pull away from his reverse mortgage spokesmodel Job. I guess Fonsi is going to have to man the phone banks alone for one afternoon.

    Fred could of been prez if he just acted like he wanted it. Instead he is doing ripoff infomercials.

  3. “Why are they using shovels?”
    “It gives more people jobs.”
    “Then why not use spoons?”
    Oo, I know the answer to that one: Because you can’t lean on a spoon! šŸ˜‰
    Thanks, Harvey!

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