Olbermann Video Teaser

What ever happened to Crowder getting full videos ready on Thursday evening? Well, here’s a trailer for his next one which is about Olbermann and guest stars Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, and Hannah Giles:

Kinda feel bad picking on Olbermann now, though. He’s gone to Current TV — I’m not even sure that’s a real TV channel. If Olbermann could convince me to post his videos on IMAO, he’d be more than doubling his audience.


  1. @Jimmy: Yup

    cur-rent television is an appropriate place for curs like algore and uberdooochee. Tens of viewers can’t be wrong.

    One would think that horhay souras would be broke funding all the loser organizations he does, like moveaside.org, media doesn’t matter, barry hussein osama, and algore television.

    Although it says what kind of character you have when you are too much of a radical trotskyite for marxists propaganda stations like msnbs that you end up peddling doooche ware at gorebull warming television.

    Did anyone else find it spooky that Crowder does look at lot like uberdoooche?

  2. “Kinda feel bad picking on Olbermann now, though…”

    Aah, don’t worry about it, clearly plenty of people have picked on Keith Olbermann throughout his life, and he clearly didn’t handle it well, and he’s clearly angry at all of them and takes that anger out on other people.

  3. I don’t like Keith. But there is no sport in kicking a man when he is down. I can tell that this website is operated by Jews. Nobody else is so slimy, mean and vicious. And they wonder why other people have disliked them for 3,000 years.

  4. @Scott, “I don’t like Keith. But there is no sport in kicking a man when he is down.”

    You mean like going on national television and labeling them the “Worst Person In The World”? That kind of thing?

  5. This site is operated by Jooooooooos!???

    FrnakJ! You got some splainin to dooooo!

    One really has to be careful nowadays…..those EVUL JOOOOOOS! are everywhere!

    When I see things such as Scott’s oh so enlightened comment,certain words come to mind…like putz, schmuck, schlep.

    Scott, you missed the flotilla, but if you hurry you may still be able to board in Greece.

  6. Oh noes!!!! Not teh JOOOOOOS!!!1!!!

    Makes sense, though, when you think about it. I’m a Baptist, and John the Baptist was Jewish, so it stands to reason…

    Seriously, though, guys, I could be wrong, but Scott may not have intended to have been taken literally. He’s been around here for a bit, and there’s been no hate towards Jews in his previous comments. He may have intended a </SARCASM> tag. Although, if so, I still don’t get it.

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