Not Mistaking Simple for Dumb

I have a new New York Post column today on how simple doesn’t equal dumb and complex doesn’t equal smart.

“Still, we’re assured of how smart Obama is and that he’ll tell us his next genius idea as soon as he gets his tongue unstuck from the flagpole.”

History lesson

Rosie O’Donnell, the wunder gehirn that says fire can’t melt steel, now suggests that Newt Gingrich read a history book.

I agree.

Gingrich is currently the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president, and, given Obama’s current approval rating, could very well be our next president.

I’ve put together a list of history books Newt Gingrich should read — some history, some historical fiction, but all worthy of consideration.

The last thing we need is an uninformed person trying to play president. It happened before. Remember the 2008 election? We don’t want to go through that again.