Nuke the News: We’re All Clear Ron Paul Is an Unelectable Nut, Right?

* Man, I am about done with politics for the year? How about you?

* Let’s just say it again because it can’t be emphasized enough: Ron Paul is an unelectable nut, and if you don’t understand that, you’re a crazy person. Do we really have to bring up the racist newsletters written in his name (racists and anti-Semites love Ron Paul and he seems quite keen not to discourage them… along with truthers)? CNN brought them up, and Ron Paul’s reaction? Run away!

And then there is that blame America first impulse that has no place in the Republican Party. For instance, his instinct was to proclaim Wikileaks traitor Bradley Manning as a hero.

And do you know he’s previously endorsed Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney for president?



And if you don’t understand that, you have no place in politics.

Still, I kind of hope he wins Iowa so we can’t once again make fun of how stupid and pointless these early primary states are.

* New poll actually shows Romney leading in Iowa, and he’s spent nearly no time there. The guy has good organization. I find I’m slowly starting to think to myself, “This Romney guy is actually pretty good.” It’s like the end of the book 1984. “I love Big Brother!” If you can’t change things, might as well take the bullet to the brain and embrace them.

* Newt Gingrich told a gay person that if your number one issue is gay marriage, he’s probably not the candidate for you. And this is news? Well, other outlets portrayed it as, “Newt tells gay people don’t vote for him!” I guess you don’t need basic comprehension to be a journalist (technically, I’m a journalist). Would have been nice for Newt to remind the guy that Obama is “against” gay marriage too… or at least too much of a pandering coward to pretend otherwise.

* North Korea is saying they got condolences from Jimmy Carter for the passing of Kim Jong Il, and Jimmy Carter has not said otherwise. I know it’s unprecedented, but can we deport an ex-president? He doesn’t even seem to like this country, so he might actually want that. Maybe Norway will take him; they did give him a peace prize.

* Complex molecules have been found on Pluto. This would be a really interesting discovery… if it were found on a planet. But since it was found on Pluto — that nothing rock floating somewhere — who cares?

* Wisdom of the Day from Shelby Fero:

“There are no stupid questions.” – someone who’s never watched a movie with my mom

* Tonight in the MAACO Bowl, 7th ranked Boise State (11-1) plays nothing ranked Arizona State (6-6) who fired their coach. Yay the BCS system and the awesome bowl match ups it produces! Boise State is moving their football program to the Big East (Idaho is East of some things) which is currently an automatic qualifier in the BCS, but that will probably be stripped soon. Well, half the fun of rooting for BSU is seeing them try but never get the respect they deserve. Underdogs!

Random Thoughts

Yes, Google Docs, you’re right that “Doesn” isn’t a word, but it’s usually acceptable when followed by ‘t.

Things are supposed to improve as we move into the future, but things seem bleaker now. We even have less planets than when I was a kid.

Remember when we used to be able to get people into space? I even heard that in the long long ago, we got a man on the moon.

Reader noticed that when you do a Google image search for “hippie puncher“, 7th result returned is my wife. Pow!

For a boring person, I lead a pretty interesting life.

Don’t get the big deal of Whoopi Goldberg saying that Communism is a “great concept”. Didn’t Homer Simpson say the same thing in one episode?

Oh. Whoopi Goldberg is an actual person. Then why is she named “Whoopi”? Is that a Jewish name?

Sesame Street branding is on half the baby stuff we buy. What do they need public funds for?

We should make a separate U.N. with only the U.S. as a member. It will be much more powerful.

I’ve stopped checking my book’s rankings every hour as its started to get depressing after the rush of once being in Amazon’s top 100. Then again, I’m already busy on my next book.

So if I want to one day be president, do I need to do something about the racist newsletter I have written in my name or not?

Jeneane Garofalo and Bill Maher should hook up. Together they’d make an angry, unfunny couple.

So are there non-specific holiday songs yet, or is that impossible to do except as a parody?

Don’t vote for Newt!

Newt Gingrich is making some news because he told someone at a campaign event to vote for Obama. Really.

Okay, here’s what happened. At a Gingrich rally in Oskaloosa, Iowa, a gay Democrat Obama supporter got into a “cordial” one-on-one with Gingrich, that ended with Gingrich telling the questioner to support Obama:

Gingrich: “I think those for whom the only issue that really matters is the definition of marriage, I won’t get their support. I accept that as reality. On the other hand, for those to whom it’s not the central issue in their life, if they care about job creation, if they care about national security, if they care about a better future for the country at large, then I think I’ll get their support.”

Q: So what if it is the biggest issue?

Gingrich: Then I won’t get their support.

Q: How do we engage if you’re elected. Then what, what does that mean?

Gingrich: Well then you engage in every topic except that.

Q: Except it’s most important (some crosstalk).

Gingrich: Well, if that’s most important to you then you should be for Obama.

Q: I am, thank you

Now, personally, I’m fine with what Newt said. I’m not talking about my agreeing or disagreeing with his stance on gay marriage. I’m talking about his standing his ground and telling the gay Democrat Obama supporter the same thing he tells his own lesbian sister. That’s unusual for a politician to tell someone “go vote for the other guy.”

But, apparently, that’s not what a candidate is supposed to do. A candidate is supposed to pander to all the little piss-ants and ass-clowns that crash a campaign event and come up to him. The candidate is supposed to say whatever it takes to make them happy — even if the clown is going to vote for the other candidate anyway.

Newt Gingrich isn’t doing that. And I like that about him. But, of course, standing firm and not backing down for what you believe is a bad thing, to hear the media, Democrats (but I repeat myself), and most other Republicans and their supporters talk. Except Ron Paul supporters. They like that their candidate has been consistent for years. They don’t like it when Newt Gingrich is consistent. It shows how much he’s part of the establishment … though all of the Washington establishment has come out against Gingrich.

Wait. We’re looking for someone who the Washington establishment doesn’t like? Yet someone who knows how Washington politics works? And someone who can balance a budget? And someone who, when he makes a mistake, can admit it? Even big mistakes?

I better stop now. I’m finding that I’m liking Gingrich more and more. And I don’t think I’m supposed to.