Despair and More of the Same

I have a new New York Post column on how in 2012 Obama will have to run pretty much the opposite campaign he did in 2008 since hope and change are now his enemies.

When people are hopeful, they’ll bypass all their reservations about a new candidate (that’s how Obama got elected).
A potato could run against Obama, and people would say, “Well, a potato won’t increase spending or raise taxes. In fact, a potato could be the next Calvin Coolidge!” That’s why Obama has to crush all hope and make people believe that, as bad as things are, this is as good as it gets no matter who is president. Plus, a potato is a racist.


  1. And, if he gets out of line, he could be mashed, sliced, diced, scalloped, baked, skewered or turned into bisque – all the things we normally want to do to a President but can’t. He could even be made into booze.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the next President of the United States: Ida Ho Potato and his good wife, Ivanna Topping.

    (Ok, this is not good.)

  2. Speaking of more of the same, Romney says the individual mandate is in line with conservative principles. Conservative Marxist-Leninist principles?

    Speaking of despair, whenever he thinks of this politics crap, Good Time Marko’s got the blues.

  3. Potatoes aren’t necessarily racist but jokes about the state the best ones come from can be. For example: Why won’t black women enter the Miss Idaho contest? Because no black woman wants to wear a sash that says I-da-ho! Now THAT’S racist………..funny too.

  4. Oh, I misread that.
    I though it said, “Plus, the potato is a rapist”.

    “A gentleman told me recently that he doubted I would vote for the Angel Gabriel if found at the head of the Democratic Party, to which I responded that the Angel Gabriel would never be found in such company. Speaking quite dispassionately, and simply as a historian, the Democrats can be trusted invariably to walk in the darkness even when to walk in the light would be manifestly to their advantage.” – Teddy Roosevelt

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