Random Thoughts

Romney is everyone’s second choice, but he won’t get bumped up until people have exhausted all other first choices.

My cleverness level today is “oh so”.

I know what will cheer the country up: I’m going to perfect cold fusion.

I forget: Which of the GOP candidates like the Constitution?

Someone have a gotcha question for Huntsman? “Why doesn’t anyone like you?”

These are really smart questions. I can tell because I fall asleep during them.

All the candidates are wearing suits again. Someone should be different and wear a poncho.

I’d rather Congress not work at all, but Perry’s idea is a good compromise.

Romney was so good at the debate I almost forget he’s Romney.

It’s long past time to admit that the Supreme Court was a poorly thought out part of the Constitution.

Interesting debate, but I’d still rather be playing Zelda.

Ron Paul: “Here’s an idea to close up the deficit: Let’s sell Iran some of our spare nukes.”

I’m not scared about any candidate on gun issues. We’ve even convinced Democrats not to touch that hot stove.

Des Moines is a real place?

Can’t wait for the extra special Christmas Day debate!

We need more political commentary on who we think Santa would vote for.

If Ron Paul doesn’t use his influence to start a suicide cult, he’s a fool.


  1. > I’m going to perfect cold fusion.
    Good to hear. I’d like the CREATEUUID function to include the option to format the returned value in the Microsoft GUID format.

    And can you get the CFTRANSACTION tag to allow for rollbacks across multiple databases? That would be a huge help.

    The rest of the imperfections, I can deal with.

  2. All the candidates are wearing suits again. Someone should be different and wear a poncho.

    Also a cowboy hat and with a cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth. And he should say things like “Get three coffins ready.”

  3. Did you hear Ron Paul’s explanation about the kind of President he would be?

    He’s not going to stick his nose into anyone’s business. Nope.

    I’m imagining a typical day in the the Oval Office:

    ZZZZZZZZZZ (exhale) ZZZZZZZZZZ (exhale)…

  4. @DamnCat: Anyone that crazy ought to be the Nuke the Moon candidate:

    President: My mule don’t like people laughin’. He gets the crazy idea you’re laughin’ at him.
    Imapajamahead: Ha ha, spawn of Satan.
    President: Now if you’ll apologize to him like I know you will, I might convince him you didn’t mean it…

  5. If Ron Paul doesn’t use his influence to start a suicide cult, he’s a fool.

    Well, we already know he’s a fool, so I’m guessing he won’t start a suicide cult. ALthough, I’d be perfectly fine with it if he did…

  6. “All the candidates are wearing suits again. Someone should be different and wear a poncho.”

    Perhaps one could dress as a cop, one could be an indian, one could be a cowboy, one could be a construction worker, etc. And, how awesome would it be if they sang songs? They’d certainly earn the ghey vote.

    • zzyzx:
      Hey! Can a group that sang this be all that bad?

      Let me tell you how it will be
      There’s one for you, nineteen for me
      ‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman

      Should five per cent appear too small
      Be thankful I don’t take it all
      ‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah I’m the taxman

      If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street,
      If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat.
      If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat,
      If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet.

      Don’t ask me what I want it for
      If you don’t want to pay some more
      ‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman

      Now my advice for those who die
      Declare the pennies on your eyes
      ‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman
      And you’re working for no one but me.

      — George Harrison

  7. “Ron Paul: “Here’s an idea to close up the deficit: Let’s sell Iran some of our spare nukes.”

    I have a better idea:

    Let’s send them a few. For free. By express ICBM.

    “ICBM. When it absolutely, positively has to get there in 20 minutes”

  8. Point well taken Basil…and then there was this song: Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up AND THAT’S AN INVITATION, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, pay up for the misery tour.
    The magical misery tour is waiting to tax you away,
    Waiting to tax you away
    Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up WE’VE GOT PROGRAMS YOU NEED, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up WELFARE IS GUARANTEED, pay up for the misery tour.
    The magical misery tour is hoping to tax you away,
    Hoping to tax you away….Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up AND THAT’S AN INVITATION, pay up for the misery tour.
    Pay up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, pay up for the misery tour.
    The magical misery tour is coming to tax you away,
    … Coming to tax you away.
    The magical misery tour is dying to tax you away,
    Dying to tax you away….tax you away.

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