Obama’s New Campaign Slogans

With President Obama struggling – like all Americans – to pay the mortgage and put enough gas in the car to get to work (ok, he works from home a lot, but Mrs. Obama has HER job of stimulating the luxury ski resort industry, and the kids are old enough for paper routes now, and they can’t really pedal those when it rains because the papers will get wet), it’s not surprising that Barack hasn’t quite found the free time to come up with a new campaign slogan that’ll fit on a bumper sticker and make a good tagline for “Obama 2012.”

I feel compelled to help out, since it’s every American’s constitutional duty to assist the President in any way possible, and may actually be mandatory under Obamacare.

I’m not sure what the word-limit is for a bumper sticker, but I know a Chevy Volt is only a few inches wide (it’s like a 4-wheeled electric unicycle), so I’ll keep these short:


* Border Plan: Welcome Mats

* Sorry that America _________

* Now with more golfing

* Your dog named BO

* Still not Muslim (wink)

* See? Flag lapel pin

* I wroted a tweat!

* Your girl’s comparatively thinner

* Closing Gitmo REAL soon

* The lolcat of presidents


* …or you’re racist

* She’s in Aspen

* No plumber questions

* Smooth when shirtless

* Occupy White House

* Fox ratings fuel

* Another iPod, Elizabeth?

* Stop throwing teabags!

* On your dime

* Outwit, Outplay, Outspend


* Not Romney

* Beer summit!

* Czartastically delicious!

* Solyndra who?



* “uh… uh…”

* $35,800, please

* I’m buying!

* Occasionally Constitutional

As for the one-word Obama 2012 slogans, I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader in the comments…

Obama Apologizes for Koran Burning, Burns Constitution

WASHINGTON (AP) – After sending a 3-page apology letter to Afghan President Harmid Karzai, President Barack Obama followed up with what he described as “a sincere act of contrition” by burning an original copy of the U.S. Constitution.

“Burn, baby, burn!”

“We’re not out of the woods yet,” Obama said in an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Bob Woodruff at the White House. “But my criteria in any decision I make, getting recommendations from folks who are actually on the ground, is what is going to best protect our folks and make sure that they can accomplish their mission.”

“In this case, the folks on the ground were a group of dirt-encrused goat-herders who share a single set of dentures, but hey, it takes a village, right?”

“I figured since one of their sacred texts was burned, it was only fair to torch one of our sacred texts as a good first step toward mending ties with our proven allies in the overseas contingency operation on man-caused disasters.”

“Fortunately,” said the President, his eyes aglow with foreign policy wisdom, “we had a spare copy in the dumpster back of the White House near the Dalai Door.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi praised Obama’s perspicacity, saying, “the President truly showed Solomonic wisdom with this action, successfully managing to appease the perfectly justifiable murderous wrath of the gentle, devout followers of the religion of peace in Afghanistan, while only offending a few extreme Tea Party freedom-cultists in the process.”

“For a while there I thought he might burn something TRULY sacred like the oversize novelty gavel I used to pass Obamacare,” added Pelosi, “but cooler heads prevailed. Good thing, too, since I’m sure I’ll need it again when I’m inevitably named Speaker after the elections this fall when I guarantee that Democrats will retake the House.”

Congresswoman Pelosi’s oversize novelty gavel was unavailable for comment.

Nuke the News: Our Nation Can’t Heal Until Liberals Apologize for Ted Kennedy

* Because so many moral midgets bad-mouthing Andrew Breitbart on his death pointed out how Breitbart wasn’t nice about Ted Kennedy when Ted Kennedy died, we’ve got to revisit what a black mark on liberalism and the country in general the existence of Ted Kennedy was. I wrote a lot of my feelings right after Ted Kennedy died on PJ Media, but I’m still not over it. The existence of Ted Kennedy is a horrible thing from the past that I feel previous generations owe me an apology for. Murder shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Everyone should have despised Ted Kennedy. I would think people would finally realize that after his death, but there are still people who stick up for him and ignore the fact that he let a woman drown — didn’t even try calling for help. And then he ran for reelection, and Massachusetts, like a battered wife, just went along with it. And then everyone in Senate acted like it was a normal thing that this guy who should have been rotting in prison was there in the Senate. And then this king of all scumbags had the audacity to run for president, because we really needed the leadership of a guy who would leave a woman to drown to save his own sorry, worthless hide.

A lot of people think Breitbart did something bad with what happened with Shirley Sherrod, but if Sherrod were stuck in a car and drowning, I’m absolutely certain Breitbart would have least tried to do something about it. Because he had basic humanity. And that’s why no moral person should celebrate his death. Even his political opponents should celebrate Breitbart’s life because in free speech, we need political opponents to make us stronger.

We don’t need scumbag cowards like Ted Kennedy just because he’s from some made up monarchy and agrees with you on your piddling crap political issues. Anyone who voted for Ted Kennedy and ever supported him: I demand an apology.

* On the lighter side, scientists have determined that the T-Rex had the strongest bite of any land animal. You know there are some kids out there who look at a skeleton of a T-Rex and say, “Eh, I bet he couldn’t bite that hard.” and the T-Rex isn’t around to defend himself so that burden lies on scientists. So scientists used all their science and said, “The T-Rex’s bite would have the force equivalent to an elephant sitting on you. But not a large elephant. But not a baby elephant either. We’re talking a medium-sized elephant. We’re scientists and we measure bites in terms of elephants sitting on you.”

No word yet from scientists on how many rockets launchers a T-Rex could carry.

* A British medical publication has argued that killing infants is no worse than abortion and should be allowed. So there we are at infanticide like we didn’t know that’s where this abortion thing was going. Everyone knows that whether the infant is in the mother or out of the mother is rather arbitrary to the value of the infants life. Some would interpret that as why abortion is horrible, but abortion defenders need to go the other way to be consistent… so, infanticide should be allowed.

Since Obama voted against a born alive act that would prevent doctors from killing a live infant who survived an abortion procedure, we should rub his nose in this. “Look what you did! Look what you did!” Obama has complained before about how people talk about him like he’s a dog, but it does seem like the best way to get him to learn.

* From the other end of the spectrum, mobile euthanasia units! Eventually there is just going to be this small little period in the middle of your life where people aren’t allowed to kill you. My suggestion to save yourself: Murder someone. We already know liberals don’t like killing murderers; not so sure on anyone else.

Hmm. What if we taught babies to murder? Maybe then liberals would defend their lives. Not sure if there’s a downside to that plan, though…

* The Blunt amendment to have a religious conscience exemption to Obama’s mandates was defeated. People were portraying it as a ban on contraception, because if you can’t force someone to buy something for you, it’s now a ban. That’s the little Orwellian journey we’ve gone down.

We really need to make a remedial course on rights explaining what rights are and what they aren’t and make everyone take it. Anyone who fails the course will be deported. Which will probably be most of Congress. So awesome.

* Wisdom of the Day from Lee Doren:

The people cheering that Andrew Breitbart is dead want to control your healthcare.

Random Thoughts

People who are celebrating the death of someone because he disagreed with them are people who have a fundamental problem with free speech.

Ted Kennedy was a special case. Instead of people hating him because of politics, people pretended he wasn’t an awful human being because of politics.

That Ted Kennedy was tolerated at all is one of those things from a bygone era I don’t understand like racism.

Wow. Had a number of liberals point out, “But but Breitbart was mean about Ted Kennedy!” Is the killing someone barrier hard to understand?

The irony is the left are much stronger because of Breitbart. They had been weaker before because they never got the scrutiny the right did.

Despite my better judgment, I glanced at HuffPo comment to Breitbart’s death. All I saw were sympathetic. Yay humanity!

What people had trouble accepting about Ted Kennedy was that the main hatred against him had nothing to do with politics.

Heh. Ted Kennedy is trending on Twitter. “But but Breitbart was mean to the guy who drowned a woman and fled the scene!”

Is there an example of Breitbart celebrating the death of someone who hadn’t drowned a woman?

Democrats just barely stopped Republicans from sending the National Guard to blockade all Walgreens.

I never met or interacted with Breitbart, but this is still so devastating. Internet seems smaller without him.

First I ever heard of him was when he was on the premiere of RedEye. He looked like a viking.

Its because of people like Breitbart that nowadays a rich liberal couldn’t drown a woman and run for reelection in the Senate.

Man, Ted Kennedy still burns me so. I just feel like previous generations owe me an apology for him.