Link of the Day

[High Praise! to Les of Brick Moon]

All this time I thought CNSNews was one of those boring, stodgy, right-wing, new-media type of organizations.

Turns out they have a sense of humor, too.

Shocking Video! Contraceptives Obtained Without Federal Mandate!

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Fluke Insurance

“I give it away for free, but I need you to pay for it.”

First Sandra Fluke wanted Obamacare to pay for her contraception.

Then she added that Obamacare should pay for sexual reassignment surgery.

What will be next on her list of wacky pay-for-my-stuff demands?

I speculate thusly:

* Piercings

* Tramp stamps

* Segways

* Movie theater popcorn

* Beer pong balls

* The differential cost of super-sizing it

* Fries with that

* Apparently not a flattering haircut

* Scholarships to the Companion Guild Training House on Sihnon

* Vegan, fair-trade, organic, sustainable, cruelty-free Ramen noodles.

* Netflix

* Pepper-spray-proof protest goggles

* Gold teeth

* A date with Flo

* Drink umbrellas

* Bowling ball cleanings

* Extra foam

* That TruCoat that Jerry Lundegaard always recommends (you don’t get it, you get oxidation problems)

* Anything that begins with a lower case “i”

Of course, if it were MY list, I’d be demanding that my neighbor’s bratty kids be forced to shovel my driveway for me so I don’t suffer a heart attack trying to clear 3 tons of plow-slop out of the end of it – which technically makes it a health care issue.

Nuke the News: Caucus!

* So SarahK, Buttercup, and I went to Idaho’s first ever caucus last night. Usually Idaho has a primary so late no one ever cares. In 2008, Barack Obama was the only candidate of either part to visit our state, but this year we got all four remaining Republicans to come… so some success.

Anyway, for Ada county where I live, over 9,000 of us came to the Taco Bell Arena (only yards away from the Smurf Turf on the Boise State University campus which luckily had free WiFi). Here’s a picture from before it finished filling up (the next row above those picture also got filled up).

After a really long time to let more people come in (they were supposed to close the doors at 7pm MT but kept them open another 30 minutes), representatives for each candidate spoke for five minutes (Santorum had a video). Then we went to vote which consisted of dropping a penny in the jar of which candidate we wanted. And then they counted the over 9,000 pennies. First round of voting wasn’t finished until 10pm. And luckily, Romney got a little over 50% the first round ending things there (Newt only got 3.5%; could only see one sign for him there and it was homemade). At the rate things were going, it could have literally lasted all night to go the maximum three rounds (at least one person would be eliminated each round until someone got more than 50%).

BTW, I voted for Romney because I wanted to get out of there quickest. That’s my philosophy on the primary now. Maybe that’s not the best reason to vote, but the baby had to get to bed.

* And that’s all the time I have for blogging this morning, which is too bad because there’s lots to talk about. Romney didn’t do so great yesterday while still making himself more and more inevitable. Interesting is this Right Wing News poll of right-wing bloggers where Romney wins against each of the other three candidates but loses to unknown from brokered convention.

Also, Dennis Kucinich lost his primary (his district was merged with another). So there goes a longtime running joke. He’s so goofy and completely out there, but it’s just impossible not to like the little guy. He at least seems so sincere. It seems easier to be that way in politics if you’re crazy.

* Oh, and one more thing, I heard someone on Twitter (Slublog) say how much he liked the new DirectTV ad with Charlie Sheen, and I was like, “My sister worked on that!” I hadn’t got to see it yet, but here it is:

No, I’m not sure how near Charlie Sheen got to my sister, and I am worried.

Random Thoughts

Women won’t truly be free until they can force Catholic bishops to buy them condoms.

I want to be the sophisticated person and forget the religious freedom issue and focus on economy, but that’s not true to the US’s values.

How does contraception fall under “insurance”? Do most people not expect to have sex so that expense is a big surprise?

They should do a Brewster’s Millions remake except he has to spend it all on birth control.

Did the president ever call Jane because of what Dan Aykroyd called her?

We are now debt free except for our house (which is next)! The last bit of debt was from when we had to write a check when we sold our house in Florida.

If we want the government to get out of debt, we need to set good examples.

It’s kind of silly how much my mood hinges on whether or not I think I’ve come up with a great column idea for the week.

I think I’m voting for Romney because I hate them all and I just want this primary to be over.

Ron Paul supporters are outside the Idaho caucus grabbing people and shaking them while shouting, “RON PAUL! RON PAUL!” Most voters are used to that.

They tried to give me a candidate sticker on the way in to the Idaho caucus. I asked if they had a “civic duty” sticker.

How we vote in The Idaho caucus is that we drop a potato in a sack labeled with our candidate’s name. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! #IAm

Almost spelled potato with an ‘e’. You’d think the most important political event of my lifetime would have taught me on that.

HER: “I don’t understand how bottled water expires.”
ME: “It separates into hydrogen and oxygen and becomes explosive.”

Newt only got 3.5% in Ada county. Moon colonies are extremely unpopular in ID. Most don’t even believe in the moon.

Over 9000 people at the caucus, and yet my 3DS didn’t get a single streetpass.

If the voting lasted more than one round, I don’t know what we would have done. Probably left it to people who cared who won.

Took me more than ten minutes to figure out how to re-equip my gun in Metal Gear 3DS. If I, who has been playing videogames for nearly 3 decades, can’t figure something out, it’s not an intuitive interface.