Link of the Day

Although I generally oppose government handouts, as a Facially-Haired American, I fully support the American Mustache Institute’s bill to make mustache maintenance costs tax deductible.

See you at the Million Mustache March!

Official AMI Statement On U.S. Representative Roscoe Bartlett and the Stache Act

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. This bill is racist! <cue moral outrage> It’s racist againt Indians (feather, not dot), Eskimos, a lot of eastern Asians, and skinny white boys like me who can’t grow decent facial hair. And women! That makes this bill sexist too! In order to make this bill fair everyone would need to get a tax break even if they can’t grow facial hair. No one should get any tax breaks that I can’t get too.

    This bill is sexist and racist and anyone who supports it is worse than Hitler!!


  2. Those of us with red beards and mustaches, would get an extra helping of tax deductability for our Viking ancestry.

    Huh? You’re saying it’s gray now? Hey, I can prove it used to be red!

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