Link of the Day

[High Praise! to blarg]

Yes, Obama seems to be the worst thing that’s ever happened to this country, but the real question is whether he’s popular.

Only one way to find out.

Compare him to 10 other things using the “What Does the Internet Think?” meter.

Turns out the closest thing to Obama’s depth of unpopularity is “colonscopy,” and even that leaves a 14-point gap.

Go discover the other 9 things Obama is worse than.


  1. So, the internet has Hitler and Stalin with positive ratings? Huh? I’m left wondering if people do that out of spite for our current “leaders.”

    Yeah, I know. “What leaders?”

  2. Rick Santorum 94% positive.
    Nancy Pelosi 97.3% negative.
    The Internet was more ambivalent about Jesus and Satan.

    But it was 100% positive for Mother Theresa of Calcutta!
    Yay Mother Theresa!

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