Nuke the News: Obama — The Movie!

* So there’s going to be this big documentary of the Obama presidency. You’d think it would be pretty cool — like one of those big disaster films like the movie 2012. But apparently it’s going to be a campaign tool for the Obama campaign, which means it will be about the Obama presidency but they’ll somehow portray all he’s done as good. So I’m not sure if it’s a documentary or science fiction.

* Joe the Plumber won a primary to run for the seat that Dennis Kucinich will not be running for. He probably has no chancehas it’s a very Democrat district, but it’s nice to see him out there again. As you remember, Obama came by his property and he dared to ask Obama a pointed question. So the media then searched into his background, doing all the research on Joe the Plumber that they refused to do on Barack the Community Organizer. Basically, Joe the Plumber reminds us of exactly why we hate the media and want to punch them in their stupid hippie faces. So good luck to Joe, but luckily he has an actual marketable skill to fall back on if he doesn’t get elected… another big contrast between him and Obama.

* There’s some talk that Obama may try some attack on gun rights in his second term… which seems pretty suicidal. I mean, it won’t hurt Obama if he’s already been reelected, but it will decimate the Democrats, most of whom have learned that the 2nd Amendment stove his hot — don’t touch it!

Of course, the Supreme Court case showed we’re only one judge away from not having an individual right to bear arms recognized. Obama claims he supports a right to bear arms while also pointing to the judges unable to identify and read the 2nd Amendment as his model justices. Isn’t it stupid how much of our rights depend on under which president a justice dies or retires? We really have to come up with a better system that the current Supreme Court.

* So apparently video games make you a quicker thinker and smarter. So basically, all my video game playing is making me like a super human. If you’re wondering how I became this awesome political writer, it was finding all the heart pieces in Legend of Zelda games. So if you’re wife or girlfriend tells you to play less video games, remember she’s just trying to make you weaker and dumber so she can control you.

Why again do we have wives and girlfriends? They really get in the way of playing video games.

* Wisdom of the Day from Alex Baze:

Love means never having to say you’re sorry. Marriage means never saying anything else.

* So what sank the Titanic? Scientists are now blaming… the moon! If the moon causing one of our greatest naval tragedies isn’t an act of war, I don’t know what is. And don’t think it’s the last time the moon will strike against us if we let this go unavenged. So how should we retaliate? I think you all know.


  1. Stupid moon! For eons we’ve been letting it get away with bossing around our tides, and now we find it sinking ships! We need to press the reset button, engage the moon and let it know that all options are on the table! That’ll show it who’s calling the shots around here, by golly!

  2. Yeah, by the time they got through with Joe the Plumber they could tell us the content of his colon (“No precancerous polyps!”-Katie Couric) but had no clear idea what Obama was doing between his arrival in Hawaii and his arrival in the Senate. Disgraceful.

    And we guys know marriage (or any relationship with a female-type woman) is like going to the dentist: Every time you open your mouth it costs you.

  3. “Why again do we have wives and girlfriends? They really get in the way of playing video games.”

    I have a wife and a Wii. Given a choice I’d rather play with my wife. No she isn’t looking over my shoulder either.

  4. “There’s some talk that Obama may try some attack on gun rights in his second term…”

    Someone ‘ought to point out to Obama that, in the hands of the right woman, a gun can be a powerful contaceptive.

  5. If my husband plays video games, he gains weight. If he plays with me, I gain weight steadily for 9 months while waddling like a duck, eating chocolate, and wanting to sleep. Every once in a while, it’s not a bad idea to let the man play a video game.

  6. –Why do we have wives and girlfriends? To make us sandwiches while we play videogames.

    –A movie about Obama’s accomplishments? Sounds like a RiffTrax short to me.

    On a slightly more serious note: will the folks who complained about Citizens United protest the Obama propaganda movie?

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