Nuke the News: Severable

* So they the Supreme Court discussed the severability of the individual mandate yesterday. It’s a discussion that’s moot if the mandate is upheld, but if the mandate is struck down and it’s decided that the mandate isn’t severable (it is the key to the bill’s funding), then all of Obamacare will be tossed out.

I saw this headline: “What will the Republicans do if Supreme Court kills Obamacare?” The answer: Laugh until we’re physically sick.

There will be gloating unlike this nation as ever seen if Obamacare is completely tossed out. It probably will be an awful spectacle and not be at all helpful to stopping Obama from being reelected, but we also might not be able to help it. The left will be shouting, “Stop licking our faces!” To which we’ll say, “But your tears taste so sweet!”

Well, we’ll find out in June, I guess.

* If you were waiting to hear from Pravda before making your decision in the presidential election, they do not like Mitt Romney. Certainly not as much as they like Obama. So there’s that.

But if you were waiting until George H.W. Bush made an endorsement, well he endorsed Romney. So that should totally influence… um… Well, I don’t think it will make a difference with Pravda.

Senator Marco Rubio has also endorsed Romney, though. Since Romney is pretty much certain to win, it’s not really much help at this point. I guess people just feel the need to start rallying behind him. Are you ready for that? IMAO is working on a new logo where we replace the moon with Romney’s smiling face. Go Romney!

* On the campaign trail, Joe Biden mistakenly referred to college president Dr. Paper as “Dr. Pepper.” Dan Quayle just can’t compete with this guy.

In Biden’s defense, he often makes mistakes when he’s thirsty. Or speaking.

* Underneath our noses, there apparently has been an Amish gang war going on where they cut off each other’s beards or something. Why hasn’t there been a basic cable drama — like on AMC — about the seedy underbelly of the Amish? Could be interesting. And I just pitched it. So if a studio decides to do it, they have to give me money.

And if you’re every fighting an Amish man, go for his beard. That’s the source of his power.

* Wisdom of the Day from Josh Greenman:

Using only the power of argument, Paul Clement just made me hit myself.


  1. On the campaign trail, Joe Biden mistakenly referred to college president Dr. Paper as “Dr. Pepper.”

    In fairness to Biden, it’s only right to point out that the voices in his head were singing the “I’m A Pepper” theme song at the time.

  2. Yesterday, I was thinking about how much I would gloat if the Supremes struck down Obamacare. Then I wondered if Frank would write about it. Then I did a preliminary “WOO HOO!” just to check if I could gloat. Yup.

  3. I’ll gloat, and I’ll laugh until I’m physically sick, but nobody is going to make me lick a liberal’s face. There’s no telling where it’s been, or, rather, there is, and that’s why I won’t lick it.

  4. “And if you’re every fighting an Amish man, go for his beard. That’s the source of his power.”

    Jedadia, do your chores! Shut up old man or I’ll cut your beard!

    @SoB “If you lick a certain type of toad you get high. If you lick a liberal’s face, you get Herpes.” — Score!!

    ‘The left will be shouting, “Stop licking our faces!” To which we’ll say, “But your tears taste so sweet!”’

    Maybe they will reduce their carbon footprints after that? Then we can gloat some more!!

    Wait,, will osamacare cover herpes?

  5. If they get rid of Obama care what will I (a Republican) do. I will take myself out to dinner, buy myself a nice big thick, juicy steak and even have ice cream. Because Michele Obama isn’t MY mother and I don’t have to listen to either her or her husband. Nanny nanny boo boo. (Why yes I am a more mature citizen, why do you ask?)

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