Random Thoughts

People who are celebrating the death of someone because he disagreed with them are people who have a fundamental problem with free speech.

Ted Kennedy was a special case. Instead of people hating him because of politics, people pretended he wasn’t an awful human being because of politics.

That Ted Kennedy was tolerated at all is one of those things from a bygone era I don’t understand like racism.

Wow. Had a number of liberals point out, “But but Breitbart was mean about Ted Kennedy!” Is the killing someone barrier hard to understand?

The irony is the left are much stronger because of Breitbart. They had been weaker before because they never got the scrutiny the right did.

Despite my better judgment, I glanced at HuffPo comment to Breitbart’s death. All I saw were sympathetic. Yay humanity!

What people had trouble accepting about Ted Kennedy was that the main hatred against him had nothing to do with politics.

Heh. Ted Kennedy is trending on Twitter. “But but Breitbart was mean to the guy who drowned a woman and fled the scene!”

Is there an example of Breitbart celebrating the death of someone who hadn’t drowned a woman?

Democrats just barely stopped Republicans from sending the National Guard to blockade all Walgreens.

I never met or interacted with Breitbart, but this is still so devastating. Internet seems smaller without him.

First I ever heard of him was when he was on the premiere of RedEye. He looked like a viking.

Its because of people like Breitbart that nowadays a rich liberal couldn’t drown a woman and run for reelection in the Senate.

Man, Ted Kennedy still burns me so. I just feel like previous generations owe me an apology for him.


  1. “Ted Kennedy was a special case. Instead of people hating him because of politics, people pretended he wasn’t an awful human being because of politics.”


    teddy was a useless pos. There is a special place in hades for him. He died way too old. Breitbart died way too young. I guess its true, only the good die young.

    Can’t wait for the C* jane fonda to croak. I have been holding it for 40 years so people just think I walk funny. Another pos that is living way too long. Maybe we will get lucky and it will take penn with her.

    teddy only did one thing right in his life, that was give it up.

    We need to continue Breitbart’s fight. Get rid of npr, nea, dea, pph, pbs, cbs, pms, and any other 3 letter acronyms.

    IMHO for us old people is — Is my hearing aid on?

    Why is the white house always service Kobe Beef instead of pork?

  2. Lay off Ted! He paid a heavy price for killing…that woman…Ms Kopechne…he lost his license and got a 2 year suspended sentence! That poor man
    had to be careful not to get caught again for TWO FULL YEARS!

    The police first heard of the incident when a pair of fishermen, having seen the car in the water, went to one of the residences that Kennedy had passed the evening before to make sure that the authorities had been informed. The police sent a diver, who quickly recovered Miss Kopechne’s body. From its positioning in the car, it was clear that she had survived for some time before drowning or exhausting the available oxygen. It was surely a terrifying and perhaps an agonizing death. The diver later testified that, had Kennedy run to the nearest residence and called for emergency help, “there is a strong possibility that she would have been alive on removal from the submerged car.”

  3. “That Ted Kennedy was tolerated at all is one of those things from a bygone era I don’t understand like racism.”

    …or John Kerry, or Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi, or Barney Frank, or Chris Dodd, or Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton, or Jimmy Carter, or Ben Bernanke, or Barrack Hussein…

  4. Wow, everything nasty I was going to say about Ted Kennedy was already said almost verbatim by plentyobailouts in the first comment. I was specifically going to call him a pos and say that he seemed extra deserving of burning in hell, maybe even beyond that circle generally reserved for child molesters and those who talk in the theater.

    I think the thing that really burns me about Ted Kennedy is not that he was a morally reprehensible scumbag; it’s the fact that he demagogued his political opponents and tried to push his particular brand of corrupt moral nihilism on the rest of the country.

  5. Because of Breitbart men can’t drown women and run for Senate? Ok, true. Hopefully soon they won’t be able to misuse election funds to take care of a mistress with whom he fathers a child (whom he then proceeds to disavow) while running for President.

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