Random Thoughts

Ah, novacaine; makes drinking coffee an act of faith that your lips are making a proper seal on the cup.

Ever get this feeling the Drudge Report is kinda in the tank for Romney?


Can they put a baby proof lock on the iPad screen this time. Buttercup keeps opening mine and trying to delete all my apps.

So how many more years until we finally get our footing on this millennium?

What’s “Purim”? Sounds scifi.

So far this college thing about Obama doesn’t seem like it compares at all to him having a nutty racist preacher for 20 years.

Oh yeah, and Obama also hung out with a terrorist. Why did we elect that amoral idiot?

How is it that Obama is supposed to know better than us about our own health care but couldn’t figure out that a racist preacher is bad?

Decided I will buy the new iPad. Debating whether to also order the $40 smart cover. And what to have etched on the iPad.

I think I’ll have etched on the iPad “Important Writer”. Should be a conversation starter on how I’m important and a writer.


  1. can I have your old junkie iPad? You need to get that old yucky PRIMITIVE thing out before Buttercup gets lead poisoning from paint. Just email me and I’ll give you the address. Postage due even

  2. Purim is a commemoration of when Haman the Syrian tried to manipulate the Persian ruler into exterminating the Jews. That worked out well for him. Read all about it in the book of Esther.

  3. A new iPAD already? I thought Sandra Fluke was still using the old IPad II for her gummint sponsored protection.

    Frank better keep that iPad under lock and key. If buttercup ever accesses the Nuke the Moon app, we could all be in trouble.

  4. Purim is a commemoration of when Haman the Syrian tried to manipulate the Persian ruler into exterminating the Jews.

    Ah, yes, the good old days – when Persians (now known as Iranians) had to be manipulated into wanting to exterminate the Jews. Now it’s pretty much their raison d’être.

  5. — I think I’ll have etched on the iPad “Important Writer”.

    Just make sure they put the “t” in that there first word! Don’t hire the infamous tattoo artist who put “Chi-twon” boldly across the customer’s chest!

  6. You’d be interested to know that in Temple, noisemakers are traditionally used to drown out the name of Haman when the story of Purim is read. Maybe we can start using noisemakers to drown out Obama when he speaks? Then when he says it’s rude we can say he’s anti-Semitic.

    Liberal stance on what I just wrote: conservative compares Obama to ruler who wanted to exterminate all Jews.

  7. #18 – CarolynthePregnant,
    I loved that video, especially the 2 little sunglasses-wearing secret service agents who hauled Haman away!
    Catchy tune too.
    #19 – “conservative compares Obama to ruler who wanted to exterminate all Jews”.
    Yeah, So?

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