Link of the Day

Yet another great reason to love and support The Romster!

Why I Support Mittens

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Romney Moon!

A couple days ago, Frank said:

I guess people just feel the need to start rallying behind Mitt Romney. Are you ready for that? IMAO is working on a new logo where we replace the moon with Romney’s smiling face. Go Romney!

Well, let the rally begin!

Les of Brick Moon [High Praise!] put together our new Romney-Moon logo:

It’s really so symbolically appropriate:

Like Romney, the moon does not have Obama-style sticky-out ears.

Like Romney, the moon won’t raise our taxes.

Like Romney, the moon smiles down upon us with a silvery light that makes everything better.

So yes, IMAO still plans to nuke the moon, but now we plan to use enough nukes to carve Romney’s face into it.

Let’s see THAT fail to bring world peace!

Go Romney!

IMAO Endorsement: Mitt Romney

It’s been a while since I’ve felt excited about a politician. They’re all bad in their own ways, and I always end up voting for whomever I just consider the least worst.

But not this year.

IMAO is very excited to announce our endorsement of the conservative future of the Republican Party and our country: Mitt Romney.

Every Republican presidential candidate has been a bit of a compromise for conservatives. Even Ronald Reagan was never quite what we hoped (why did he just let the Soviet Union just die out instead of invading their homeland Red Dawn style — Red, White, and Blue Dawn, I guess?). But Mitt Romney is exactly the forceful, committed conservative we’ve always wanted. And we know there’s no chance of him drifting leftward over time because he’s already been through that phase. He’s like a robot programmed by conservatives — but with no three laws of robotics to hold him back from harming liberals.

In fact, we here at IMAO are so excited about Romney that we’ve changed our logo to reflect our enthusiasm. We hope to keep it that way for the next eight years.

So we hope you’ll all join us in supporting Mitt with all the energy we can muster. If we want America to catch conservatism, we’re going to need a Mitt.

Ha! I just thought of that!