How to Make a Rainbow with a Shotgun


[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #14,872)

Just starting to go viral. Watch it now, before everyone else does.

Sequel idea: Hobo with a Shotgun with a Rainbow

Link of the Day: Frank’s Top 10 Tweet

[High Praise! to Charon]

Frank’s tweet about Keith Olbermann made a top 10 list:

Olbermann Mockery Reaches New Heights On Twitter: The Top 10 Keith Olbermann Was Fired Tweets

Now a short quiz:

Which one of the others was second-best?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

President Obama’s 12 Toughest Decisions

According to Vice President Joe Biden:

“I’ve watched him make decisions that would make another man or woman’s hair curl… I think I can say… no president, and I would argue in the 20th century and including now the 21st century, has had as many serious problems which are cases of first-instance laid on his table”

Interesting proposition, since Obama does, in fact, have curly hair.

Still, the man HAS faced his share of toughies, like:

Over or under?

1) Whether to spell his dog’s name “Bo” or “Bho”.

2) Whether to dodge left or right if accidentally finding himself between Michelle and a tamale.

3) When embracing “Obamacare”, whether or not to capitalize the “c”.

4) When informed that Seal Team 6 was ready to move on Bin Laden, whether to use a 9-iron or a pitching wedge.

5) Whether to support the northern or southern half of the Keystone Pipeline.

6) When giving important nationwide addresses, whether to start with the right or left teleprompter.

7) During negotiations with Iran, is it better to give in or just capitulate?

8) To create green jobs, should you invest in a solar company that’s near bankruptcy, or invest in a company making electric cars that’s already gone under?

9) Which glass should you put the iocane powder in if your opponent is NOT a Sicilian? (This comes up frequently at cabinet meetings).

10) Whether to sneak guns down to Mexican drug lords, or just ignore border security so they can get them themselves.

11) When spending tons of tax dollars on shovel-ready jobs, whether to use short tons, long tons, or metric tons.

12) Is today the day to tell Axelrod to just give up on the combover already?


Still haunting him: how to fill those empty hours after January 20th, 2013.

UPDATED 4-3-12: Linked at Doug Ross

Nuke the News: Keith Olbermann Is Hard to Work With

* In my new New York Post column, I talk about what a great new future we’ll have with the government being able to force us to buy stuff.

What if someone in the government buys the new Adele album and decides it’s just so good that everyone should buy it? I know some would resist, but then they’d buy the album and listen to it and say, “Wow! This is good. Thank you, government!”

Congress is so great with the federal budget, they really should be dictating more of our personal ones.

* So what’s the state of the Republican primary? Romney hasn’t sewn it up, but pretty much everyone assumes it’s going to be him and thus are starting to rally behind him. Rick Santorum is trying to convince everyone it’s not over. Newt Gingrich is trying to convince people that too, but I don’t think he even believes it anymore. And Ron Paul… well, he’s Ron Paul. He has kid of a love/hate relationship with reality.

So how are things looking with Romney versus Obama? According to a new poll, Romney is trailing in the swing states thanks to women voters. I thought no one was dumb enough to fall for this “War on Women” nonsense, but I forgot about women and their flighty brains. Why again did we give them the vote?

* Keith Olbermann was fired from Current TV. Olbermann just doesn’t seem to get along with other people. Do you ever notice how these crusaders for the common man like Olbermann and Michael Moore seem to be huge jerks to everyone actually around them? How much can they really care about people if they look down on them so much and treat them like garbage?

So where does Olbermann go from here? I don’t even know of a channel more unknown than Al Gore’s Current TV. I guess he can start a free podcast… until iTunes drops him.

* Canada is ending the Canadian penny. I always found those fascinating because it was neat to hold in your hand something worth less than a penny. Of course, now it’s about worth the same… though perhaps soon to be collector’s item after being discontinued.

So should America do the same and get rid of its penny? I just use a debit card; I barely ever have any cash on me anymore so I don’t really care. Going to be loss jobs for the makers of those “take a penny leave a penny” dishes, though.

* Wisdom of the Day from Political Math:

If you play Olbermann’s career in reverse, it’s the story of a jobless man who rises from a lowly Internet channel to a prime-time talk show

* There’s a rumor that the next Playstation won’t allow you to play used games. There was a similar rumor about the next XBox. This seems like a really stupid move. Especially since they already have a system to get people to buy games and not be able to resell them: downloadable games. If they don’t want people selling used games, they should just move more towards offering games through download and no one would know the reason they were doing that was to stop used game sales. But if discs suddenly stop working when put in another system, gamers are going to be outraged. Are the companies really going to be this stupid? Whatever happened to sneaky capitalism?

Random Thoughts

I don’t know why how conservatives think is such a mystery to left. All they have to do is ask us.

Of course, they also have to take our responses at face value and not project into them.

BTW, next book is in the editing phase. If your main complaint of my first book was that it was too short, that is being addressed.

Is the lottery a left/right thing? What political spectrum does bilking money out of greedy poor people fall under? Or is that bipartisan?

Do we really have a bullying crisis, or is it the same it’s always been and we just started caring about it?

Have kids gotten meaner over time or have we just gotten sissier?

Okay, now I just honestly feel sorry for Keith Olbermann.

Current TV: Other news channels’ rejects

Future headline: “iTunes has dropped Keith Olbermann’s free podcast”

Gas station had sign “Like us on Facebook”. What kind of life do you have to be leading to have nothing better to do than that?

Oh. Keith Olbermann liked them.

ME: “Buttercup, did you miss your daddy today?”
BUTTERCUP (18mo): “Umm…”

“Oh. No one won the lottery. The money goes into the fire.”

Don’t know why Congress thinks they can get away with 2,700 page laws when reading a 6 page Constitution is obviously too strenuous for them.

For April Fools, I put a million dollar check in the collection plate.

For April Fools, I robbed a liquor store (I’ll return the money today).

“These thrones… we’ll make a game of them.” -line from Game of Thrones, presumably

“You’re not a team player. This may be a game of thrones, but I’m benching you!” -line from Game of Thrones, again assuming

April Fools Day fills Mr. T with great pity.

Just because it wasn’t intended doesn’t mean it won’t work out for the better.

It seems like Dawkins is reacting from some weird psychological tic. Maybe when he was a kid, a deity jumped out from a bush and scared him.

The best thing I can say about the first book of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series is that it was short.

At least Stephen King’s foreword for it was very apologetic