Nuke the News: Don’t Call Our Stupid President Stupid

* Oh noes. The Obama campaign is all revved up and ready to go. Actually, when did Obama stop campaigning?

I’ve started to notice a pattern already. The Dems create some big distraction like changing the laws to make Catholic bishops pay for contraception and then cry crocodile tears about the GOP embracing distractions. Expect more “distractions” like this because the last thing the Obama campaign (and much of the media) wants people focused on are jobs, the economy, and gas prices.

That is an interesting thought experiment, though: How do you organize a campaign who’s failed at everything?

Obama 2012: You reading this now would most likely be a better president than him

* Senator Chuck Grassley called Obama “stupid” on Twitter and I guess that’s a bit of a controversy or something. I mean, what Obama said about the Supreme Court would be pretty dimwitted for even a ten-year-old to say, but I guess you’re just not supposed to outright call the president stupid. Say he’s “special.” He’s a special president for special times.

* North Korea is planning a nuclear test. That’s good, because you really need to test those things. Maybe they can share data with Iran.

So are we going to do something about this? Like shouldn’t we just go in there and smash up all their toys? What, are we worried about their response? Well, I know what their response won’t be: launching a nuclear weapon.

* John Derbyshire was fired from National Review for writing something really racist. That’s pretty sad. Eight years ago, I interviewed him for my blog. It was my first interview, and I never did that many since (because, really, I’m the more interesting person; people should interview me).

Anyway, I hope everyone’s learned a lesson from this. There’s a certain level of racism no one should engage in without the protection of being a Democrat.

* Wisdom of the Day from Danny Zuker:

The most disturbing thing I ever found on my son’s computer was an empty history folder.

Random Thoughts: Exclusive Club

I was about to enter Arby’s, but Ryan Gosling tackled me.

WOMAN: “I’d like a job.”
OBAMA: “Here’s some birth control. Now have some sex and shut up!”

Just watched the Community from last Thursday. Crazy awesome.

Statement from Augusta Golf Club: “Leave us alone; chicks ruin everything. Except sex.”

BREAKING: Obama has issued a statement stating that the “No Homers Club” should admit more than one Homer.

Anyone know my wife’s middle name? I’ve known her so long, I’m embarrassed to ask her.

I’m pretty sure Buttercup’s first name is either “Princess” or “Peanut.”

Strangely not interested in religious advice from a guy so confused by Sarah Palin’s uterus.

I don’t get why so many flags are just three stripes of colors. Seems like you’d want to spend more time designing your national flag than that.

Just watched Hanna, a comedy based around Cate Blanchett trying to do a Southern accent.

I’ve started reading the first Game of Thrones book. Don’t spoil it by talking about the TV show.

Polo somehow manages looking both effete and crazy dangerous at the same time.