Link of the Day: World’s Biggest Spud Gun

[High Praise! to Les of Brick Moon]

VERA Super Spud Gun

No confirmation on whether it’s related to any other firearms named Vera:

[YouTube direct link]

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Obama: We Don’t Have the Luxury for Michelle Not to Tell Your Kids What to Eat

WASHINGTON (AP) – During a speech at the “White House Forum on Women and the Economy,” President Obama shared his personal experiences regarding the work-family balance, explaining why America should be grateful for the First Lady’s increasing attention to the eating & exercise habits of the nation’s youth.

‘If I can’t have a tamale, NOBODY can have a tamale!

“Michelle and I have our girls,” related the President, “and we give it our all to balance raising a family and pursuing careers. It’s something that can be very difficult on her, because I’m gone a lot. I can’t watch what’s on everybody’s plate. That’s why we don’t have the luxury not to have Michelle haranguing you about your fat, lazy kids.”

“Sure, some millionaire presidential candidates can afford to mind their own business and focus on raising their own children, but America’s busy, hard-working middle class families need a professional, hands-on nanny-state to keep little hands out of the Doritos bag. I’m busy keeping the hands of Big Insurance out of the free-market bag, so Michelle really had no choice but to step in.”

The President added that, after his inevitable reelection, he hoped to have more freedom to assist the First Lady in her herculean task of micro-managing the nation’s caloric intake and physical activity.

“Once the unelected group of justices on the Supreme Court stops messing with my signature health care accomplishment,” said Obama, “I hope to be able to appoint an unelected group of bureaucrats to oversee everyone’s menu and exercise regimens, taking some of the burden off my overworked wife.”

“Eventually,” he concluded, “we hope to have the luxury of her being able to spend more time with our daughters at America’s various luxury ski resorts.”

[Linked at Protein Wisdom]

Nuke the News: Democrats Don’t Think Much of Women

* People are stepping all over the Democrats “War on Women” idiocy. First, we have this idiot Hilary Rosen going after Ann Romney for being a stay at home mom who raised five children. The mere existence of stay at home moms is seen as a direct insult to some women. Some women have to work because of their situation while others choose to, and those who choose see the others who chose to stay home as direct slight against them saying they didn’t care enough about their children to give up their careers. At least that’s my best guess on the psychologically, as there is some intense bitterness out there. It’s like the fact that Sarah Palin brought her son with Down syndrome to term was seen as a direct slight against the abortion proponents who have caused most such children to be killed before birth. Sometimes merely existing is seen as a political statement.

Also, Romney has begun pointing out Obama’s anti-women policies, such as the fact that 92% of job losses while Obama has been president have been from women (though fact checkers are trying to spin that, because apparently that’s the job of “fact checkers”). Also, the Obama White House is apparently paying women a lot less than men. The Democrats like to pretend to care about women when it’s politically convenient, but if any woman’s fate doesn’t help at the polls, she can drown in a car for all they care.

* Obama tried to claim that Ronald Reagan would have supported the pointless “Buffet Rule” that Obama has been wasting all his time on, but the statement Obama made was really weird.

“Let me be clear, Ronald Reagan would support me in– AHH! A MYSTICAL FORCE JUST PUNCHED MY IN THE JUNK!!”

* George Zimmerman has been charged with murder. That seems like it will be hard to prove, because who, before committing murder most foul, calls up the police to tell them what he’s up to? Anyway, biggest winner in Zimmerman being arrested and tried is the media. If you can’t have justice, at least have a circus. Everyone loves circuses.

* Buzz Aldrin, the first man named “Buzz” on the moon, and other astronauts and NASA officials have signed a letter telling NASA to stop being political about global warming. Once NASA got men on the moon, now they do nothing but whine about stuff down here and can’t even get people into orbit anymore. Whining destroys things; avoid it wherever you can.

* Wisdom of the Day from Jim Geraghty:

Strange how “the Mormon Church’s troubled history of race relations” never comes up in coverage of Sen. Harry “No Negro Dialect” Reid.

* Alan West says there are a lot less Communists in Congress than you thought.

UPDATE: Linked by Be John Galt

Random Thoughts: Justice and Clowns

iOS apps are programmed in Objective C? I would have thought hipster programmers would use some really retro language like COBOL or FORTRAN.

I think Chris Christie will do well on the national stage since smaller stages tend to break under his weight.

Someone needs to sit Obama down on his lap and explain to him how jobs are made.

Got DNC email alleging that Romney is going to say tons of mean things about Obama. I’ll believe it when I see it.

You should seek justice, but if you can’t have justice at least have a circus since circuses are fun.

North Korea is going to celebrate Zimmerman’s arrest by launching a rocket.

I am a little surprised by the murder charge. Who calls the police before a murder? Seems more like manslaughter if anything.

There you go; you got me speculating. You win, society!