
On this lonely road, trying to make it home
Doing it by my lonesome — pissed off, who wants some
I’m fighting for my soul, God get at your boy
You try to bogart — fall back, I go hard
On this lonely road, trying to make it home
Doing it by my lonesome — pissed off, who wants some
I see them long hard times to come…

Raylan, I need you to pack your bags. You’re going to Detroit.

Continue reading ‘Justified’ »

Obama Using Banks to Target Gun Manufacturer?

[High Praise! to Jimmy]

Straight from the McMillan Firearms Facebook page:

McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them. He spent 5 minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last 5 years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.

At this point I interrupted him and asked “Can I possible save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer what my business.”

“That is correct” he says.

I replied “That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We can find a 2nd Amendment friendly bank that will be glad to have our business. You won’t mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that BofA is not firearms industry friendly?”

“You have to do what you must” he said.

“So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?”

Mr Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was over and there was nothing let for him to say.

I think it is import for all Americans who believe in and support our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms should know when a business does not support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. When I don’t agree with a business’ political position I can not in good conscience support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit cards as payment for our products.

Kelly D McMillan
Director of Operations
McMillan Group International, LLC

Makes me wish I had a B of A credit card just so I could cancel it and tell them why.

Also, I know nothing about McMillan products, so if anyone does, please tell what you know in the comments.

Meanwhile, you can always visit the McMillan web site, hit the “contact us” link, and voice your support.

And if you find out that McMillan products are good quality as well as fitting your personal needs and your budget, buy them.

Then email them to let them know you did.

Morale’s probably a little shaky around the office right now. Having your banker do a rug-yank on you tends to make folks unsettled.

And feel free to drop B of A a line, too, since that’s your tax money they’re refusing to let McMillan have a penny of.

UPDATE: Mxymaster [High Praise!] offers a link to Snopes which evaluated the story as “undetermined”. However the spokesperson only said that B of A has “no policy” against dealing with firearms companies. Well, being under threat by Obama’s knee-breakers technically isn’t a policy, so she didn’t lie.

Also, they mention B of A is still dealing with gun-maker Freedom Group, Inc.

All that means is that FGI hasn’t gotten “the talk” yet. Doesn’t mean it’s not on the way.

Link of the Day: 25 Most Insane Global Warming Quotes

It’s Earth Day on Sunday.

Yeah, I know, they just had Earth Hour 3 weeks ago. Those Greenies double-dip on holidays even worse than Lincoln & Washington.

Earth Day Special: The Media’s Top 25 Wackiest Environmental Quotes

By the way, be sure to come back Sunday, when I’ll have a list of Fun Facts About Earth Day for ya.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Why Obama Is Just Like You

Son of Bob [High Praise!] left this in the comments, but you probably wouldn’t see it there, so here it is:

Maybe Obama can convince people he’s just like them by writing another memoir.”

Yes, Obama’s just a typical American.

It’s a typical American story of a white communist mother who married a drunken, black, anti-American, communist foreigner who already had other wives he didn’t tell her about. Just like the rest of us, Dad left when he was very young to go chase skirts at Harvard before getting kicked out of the university for basically being too annoying. Then Dad was sent out of the country and died in a drunken car accident, just like most of our dads have.

Then, Mom found some even more radical boyfriends who introduced him to even more typical American traditions like killing and eating dogs and continuing his studies of the Muslim religion in typical American Indonesian schools.

Then, just like most Americans, foreigners and anti-American radicals helped him get into Harvard and paid his way before graduating and living in expensive houses bought for him by anti-American radicals with a political agenda.

And so, when you’ve lived to adulthood without ever having a single accomplishment the obvious next step is to write two autobiographies (or, better yet, have someone else ghost write them for you), just like the rest of us do. Then, after finding legal loop-holes to force his opponents out of the race, his fellow Americans voted him into his corrupt state senate.

And, finally, his typical American life climaxed with the backing of George Soros, a billionaire foreigner who made the bulk of his wealth by causing and investing in the downfall of entire countries’ economies, who bought him the presidency.

What average American couldn’t relate to such a person?

Frequently Asked Questions: Mitt Romney and Cookiegate

Having been completely decimated in the Wars on both Women and Dogs that they themselves started, Democrats are now going hammer & tongs to change the narrative to the “War on Cookies,” somehow believing that THIS time they’ll come out on top.

Since everyone’s too freaked out by the fact that President Obama has proudly proclaimed that HE ATE A DOG to pay attention to what’s going on elsewhere, I’m offering this little FAQ to help explain the situation that the vapid make-up mannikins in the liberal media are desperately trying to label “Cookiegate.”

You’d never catch Obama snubbing fresh bakery cookies

What is Cookiegate?

At a campaign event in Pennsylvania, Mitt Romney was viewing a spread of various picnic foods and commented, “I’m not sure about these cookies. They don’t look like you made them… they came from the local 7-Eleven… bakery or wherever.” Turns out they were from a local bakery that was offended at being compared to a soulless, multinational corporation that uses Chinese orphan-labor to produce it’s baked goods.

Too complicated. Let’s start with the basics. What’s a cookie?

A small piece of tracking code that websites download to your computer which can be printed out and served at picnics.

Has Mitt Romney ever strapped a cookie to the roof of his car?

A liberal media distortion. He placed cookies into a picnic basket to protect them from the elements and then strapped the basket to the roof of his car.

Is it true that President Obama once ate a cookie?

Undetermined. Obama mentions it in his autobiography, “Treats From My Father,” but some sources say that cookies are actually quite scarce in Indonesia, and that eating them is generally frowned upon.

Ewwww! Why would anyone eat a cookie?

Some people believe that consuming an oven-prepared confection gives you the powers of that confection. This seemingly bizarre belief probably stems from the fact that habitual cookie-eaters eventually become round and doughy.

Interesting theory. Does Obama now seem to possess magical cookie-powers?

No. Although he sometimes acts in a cookie-like fashion, only actual cookies have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, and to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Ok, so what’s a “gate” have to do with anything? Did Romney use a cookie to access an area enclosed by a fence?

No, the suffix “-gate” is typically applied to words as a shorthand way of indicating a political scandal. It comes from the Watergate Hotel, which operatives of President Nixon’s reelection campaign broke into to steal cookies from in June of 1972.

Did Nixon have a cookie?

A common misconception. Nixon had a dog named Checkers, who was shipped to Indonesia and eaten by a 10-year-old Barack Obama that same year.

Are there any cookie-eaters in the United States?

Although once quite popular in some isolated populations, the practice fell out of favor around the time that Sesame Street turned Cookie Monster into Fruity Monster.

What is The Matrix?

It’s very much like a cookie, except with better sunglasses. The other notable difference being that no one ever complains that the second and third cookies aren’t as good as the first.

Hope that clears things up.

[Click for more “Obama Ate a Dog” humor]

Obama’s Got a New Nickname

[High Praise! to Hunter]

Yeah, that’s not a typo.

[Click for more “Obama Ate a Dog” humor]

Obama Campaign Updates Rosa Parks Message

[High Praise! to Hope n’ Change Cartoons for the pic]

UPDATE: Linked by YouViewed

Nuke the News: Still on the Dog Thing

In my new New York Post column, I talk about how on spending, our country is a car speeding towards a cliff. That gives us two options: The boring one and the Evel Knievel one.

I know it’s a little scary, and some of you recall that your mother warned you not to jump off cliffs just because other kids were doing it. But what if one of the people urging you to go over a cliff is Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman? Then it’s probably worth ignoring your mother and trying.

Read. Laugh. Share. Bathe.

* We thought Obama eating a dog was bad, but then look what Romney did: he said something insulting about a cookie. On the ridiculous outrage scale from 0 to “Ate a Dog”, it ranks at OBAMA ATE A DOG!!!

* Obama is a man of the people, and for $1000 you can shake his hand. For $2000, he won’t eat your dog.

* There’s also a new fundraiser where you get to meet Obama and George Clooney at George Clooney’s house. Lassie was also going to be there, but, well, you know.


* Some are wondering whether Obama actually did eat dog because dog meat is hard to find in Indonesia. Of course, Obama’s step dad sought out those meats including grasshopper and snake so that he and Obama could absorb their powers. Which leads to the obvious question: Did it work? Did Obama get snake powers? He certainly didn’t get loyalty powers from eating a dog.

* Reid is constantly trying to set the record for dumbest thing said in the Capitol… even though he’s always just trying to top the record he set previously. For this entry, he rambled on about how much old people love junk mail. When are we finally going to put him in a home? He just seems so lost and confused by everything all the time. He could accidentally do something crazy like EAT A DOG.

* Michelle Bachmann used the phrase “tar baby” and some people think that’s racist. I thought we went over this before when Tony Snow use the term: It’s not racist and you’re an idiot.

I keep wondering if people are going to call this Obama eats a dog stuff racist. Eating a dog is not a black stereotype, though; that’s just an Obama thing. Because he’s weird.

* People are going to receive unemployment while working. Here’s an idea: Why don’t you just not take away the tax money for that in the first place. Same effect, but with less costly bureaucracy in between.

I don’t know how to relate this one to Obama eating a dog.

* Even Senator McCain is making fun of Obama eating a dog. I would have thought this would be the sort of thing he would have called off limits in his 2008 campaign, but I guess one just can’t help but make fun of it. THE DUDE ATE A DOG!!!11!!elventy!1!!!

[Click for more “Obama Ate a Dog” humor]

Random Thoughts: Dog Cookies

Did I miss March Madness?

Maybe Obama can convince people he’s just like them by writing another memoir.

I just thumbed up a Nickelback song on Pandora. Take that, civilization!

The fact that God made the world in seven days is even more impressive when you realize it wasn’t until the third day that He made the coffee bean.

I don’t get the “silver spoon” crack Obama made. Why is he going after his own daughters?

Gingrich has Secret Service to protect him from terrorists who want to kill the future president and don’t follow politics very well.

If I were the president’s political adviser, I’d tell him not to eat another dog until after the election.

If that seems hard, he could try eating cats like Alf. No one cares about cats. Or Alf.

I charge $500 an hour for my political advice. It’s a bargain.

As I understand it, the new scandal is that Obama is baking dogs into cookies and trying to trick Romney into eating them.

OBAMA: “Why is the Senator from California here?”
AIDE: “I thought you said you wanted Boxer for dinner.”

I hate it when a country list on a website doesn’t put USA first. We didn’t win those wars to have to hunt through a dropdown.

If an old person had to perform a simple task in linux, I think it would kill him.

[Click for more “Obama Ate a Dog” humor]