Obama Symbol Appears in Miracle Beer

People see what they want to see.

In this case, Obama’s staffers seeing the Obama symbol in a glass of beer:

Not to be confused with Jesus appearing on a tortilla.

[High Praise! to American Digest and Naked DC]

Link of the Day: 879 Urgent Crises Caused by Global Warming

[High Praise! to Veeshir]

To get you in the mood for Earth Day tomorrow, here’s a comprehensive list – complete with source-links – of every damn thing the fern-fondlers have blamed on global warming so far:

A complete list of things caused by global warming

You won’t read the entire thing because it’s dry and factual, but I do encourage you to at least click through and gaze in wonder at the monstrous wall of text required to properly document environmental insanity.

Maybe skim through here & there until you find something that boggles your mind by its very inclusion. Like “thatched cottages at risk” and “witchcraft executions”.

If you know of anything that’s NOT on the list, there’s a contact email at the site.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]