Logic Puzzle

Saw this and wanted to share:

If you choose an answer to this problem at random, what is the chance that you will be correct?

A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 0%
D) 25%

Link of the Day: The Baby Name Wizard – How Popular Is Your Name?

The Baby Name Wizard

The first thing everyone does at this site is look up their own name.

Having the now-unusual name Harvey, I was very surprised to discover that, as late as the 1930’s, it was in the top 100 for most common boys’ names.

By the year 2000, it had fallen out of the top 1000.

After your own name, you will start looking up names of friends/spouses/lovers (I only had to look up one, your mileage may vary).

Then things will start getting weird.

In my case, I checked out the popularity of the name “Susan” for boys. Turned out it became a minor fad in the 30’s, but stopped dead after the 60’s:

Coincidentally, Johnny Cash released “A Boy Named Sue” in 1969.

My theory? A whole bunch of old men got their asses beat, and fathers in general wised up because of it.

There may or may not be a Tea Party metaphor lodged in this story.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

UPDATE: Linked by Ace of Spades HQ

UPDATE: Linked by Conservative Underground

10 Ways Obama is Dumbing Down His Speeches

A new study shows that while President Bush routinely gave his speeches at a 10th grade comprehension level, President Obama has given speeches on at least three college campuses in which he orated at a 6th grade level.

Ya know, I thought I’d noticed some peculiar stuff lately, like:

2009: “undocumented workers”
2012: “Mexi-friends!”

1) Turning the teleprompter toward the audience so they can see the pictures.

2) Changing the “applause” sign to “clap – the hand kind, not the free-clinic kind”

3) In the new edition of “Dreams From My Father”, that lately-infamous passage now reads, “I make bite-bite on woof-woof.”

4) When was the last time you saw Obama give a speech without a crowd of googly-eyed muppets crowding around him, singing the last line he just spoke?

5) That Earth Day speech where he kept repeating “Brawndo’s got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes.

6) Adding another food group to the ChooseMyPlate.Gov icon labeled “Gerber”.

7) Letting Joe Biden speak in public again.

8) Jingling his keys in the air to call press conferences to order.

9) Tickling the TV cameras under the lens while saying “cootchie-coo!”

10) And probably the most egregious example was from just this week: “When a Secret Service agent and a Colombian hooker love each other very much…”


Michelle’s not much better, swooping a spoonful of peas around, making airplane noises, and telling kids to “open up the hangar.”


UPDATE: Linked by Internet Scofflaw

Why Driving the Speed Limit is a Bad Idea

[No High Praise! to Frank J, since it’s his job to make IMAO awesome anyway]

Somewhere in the last decade, car insurance commercials – especially Allstate – started showing car-crashes in their commercials. Before that, the actual impact was omitted. Artistically, the theory was that implying a horrible thing was more powerful than showing it.

In this video, they actually show the impact, and – in this particular case – I think doing so makes the message more powerful. Stick with it all the way to the end, and see if you agree.

Oh, and if you’re afflicted with language sensitivities, don’t read the end credits:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #2,484,824)

Nuke the News: We Need a Bailout Bailout

* Biden wants to assure us that Obama has a big stick.

Have you seen any features on what Biden is like out of politics? I mean, is he this dumb in real life? The guy comes off as Lenny from Of Mice and Men given public office. Except when he accidentally breaks a puppies neck, Obama eats them.

And as for Obama wielding a “big stick,” do you think he’ll use it against anyone other than his own citizens who don’t like giant government.

* I can’t believe Obama ever thought of attacking Romney on flip flopping. Does Obama want to portray himself as someone who won’t change his ways — i.e., we’re going to get this exact same inept awfulness for another four years?

Then again, the other attack idea from Obama is to portray Romney as an extreme right-wing conservative. Seems like a hard feat when Romney couldn’t himself convince Republicans he’s even a regular conservative.

* Poor Obama, he thinks his problem is that we just don’t understand him. In fact, I think I wrote a book on how Obama is just too beyond us that we lash out at him in fear. Maybe he could give speeches to better explain things to us since he’s supposed to be such a great speaker. Oh, he tried that and that didn’t work. Maybe he could be all petulant and play golf a lot. Oh, he tried that and that didn’t work either. Well, maybe he can just shout, “You all don’t deserve me!” and then not run for reelection. That’s a great idea; he should do that.

* Obama has solved one problem — one he seemed determined not to solve: illegal immigration. Ends up we didn’t need border fences or deportation or Mexi-cannons — all we needed was a horrible economy. Thanks Obama for your outside the box thinking on this one.

* I can’t believe they’re making student loans an issue for this election. I just paid off mine last year, and if there is a bailout for student loans, I’ll be so mad. It seems like those of us who play by the rules are just constantly having to pay for the bad choices of stupid people. Can’t there be a bailout for people who aren’t idiots? Like can’t we confiscate whatever little money idiots have left and distribute it to people like me? I.e., I want a piece of the profits from the lottery.

Random Thoughts: “Tell Me Again About the Rabbits, Barack”

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, is named after the king of Prussia.

I didn’t make that fact up. I looked it up on Wikipedia.

Man, I was 23 when I started blogging. I hate 23 year olds. They’re so stupid about politics.

I still hope to be rich and famous some day, but I’ll settle for just rich. I don’t know how annoying famous could be.

Do you think it would be possible to one day liberate California or is that another Iraq type situation?

So Biden is basically Lenny from Of Mice and Men elected to public office.

I’d think Obama would love a friend who accidentally kills puppies. “Well, no reason to let this dead puppy go to waste…”

How about if the government bails you out of your student loans, you could then be randomly selected to fight to death in the Debt Games.

What is it with conservatives and wanting choices to have consequences?

I really should be part of a think tank. How much do they pay?

Conservatives: “Don’t touch the hot stove!”
Liberals: “How can we use the government to make hot stoves touchable?”

Bring up the “99%” and “1%” nonsense around me and my fist will start occupying some faces.

Romney once saved a dog? So he’s way ahead of Obama on dogs “saved or created.”

I wish Edward Norton was still Hulk. Ruffalo is better suited to getting in a misunderstanding with Reese Witherspoon than threatening aliens.

Edward Norton is just very good at looking wimpy while still being threatening.