Link of the Day: Avatar Fails the Noble Savage Test

[High Praise! to John]

Ok, this piece has words that only grown-ups should use, even in the title:

The Na’vi From Avatar Are Ass****s

However, it is also well-written, insightful, entertaining, and includes non-sweary bits like this:

The Na’vi are presented as enlightened, not because they found a way to successfully blend nature and technology, but because they’ve never developed technology, or moved beyond the aboriginal level. In reality, there’s nothing especially noble about never moving past the third-world. Ask the kids in Africa. Ask all the people throughout history. Do you know what the treatment for appendicitis was, up until the 20th century?


Who’s Your Favorite Under-Rated Blogger?

As I scour the internet, looking for links to keep you entertained, I’m kinda surprised how difficult it is to find decent text-based right-wing blog humor. It’s all reposts of YouTube videos now.

Even Scrappleface, whose coined the term “Axis of Weasels” back in his writing days, has climbed aboard the video train.

Surely there are still writers out there who seek to amuse, aren’t there?

My question is, who do YOU read when you want to be entertained? Not the gigantor mega-bloggers that everyone’s heard of. I mean talented, low-traffic sites still struggling for attention.

Who’s your favorite under-rated blogger? Drop a link in the comments.

And yes, you can name yourself.

And yes, even first-time visitors are invited to participate.

UPDATE: linked by Ace of Spaces HQ

UPDATE: linked by Points and Figures