Quote of the Day

High praise! for this comment by Flytiger:

It’s better to let Obama spend the war chest for ads on IMAO than on commercials on the Dr. Phil show, OWN, Lifetime, QVC, etc. I say, “Let BHO waste all the money here, where it will do the most good.”

UPDATE: Frank reminded me of a clause in the Google ads agreement: “Publishers are not allowed to use language to lead users to click Google ads.”

So remember, those ads are intended for honestly curious and open-minded individuals who desire additional information from sponsors, such as Obama’s reelection campaign. It would be highly unethical to give them attention for any other reason, and anyone who does so is a bad person.

UPDATE: Speaking of IMAO becoming an Obama 2012 ad-magnet, Hunter [High Praise!] sent me this screenshot of IMAO featuring – unintentionally – the best ad-placement ever:


UPDATE: Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Hunter [Higher Praise!] showed me that yes, indeed, it does.


  1. Perhaps someone should explain what exactly it is we’re stepping in…

    Tell Barack, you’re in…
    1 – …the welfare system because of his policies?
    2 – …a pile of hurt?
    3 – …a severe depression?
    4 – …the midst of turmoil and despair?
    5 – …the beginning of the end?
    6 – …the midst of a socialist takeover?
    7 – ?

  2. “You’re In”

    deep do-do
    deep kimchi
    deep sh!t
    over your head
    up to your elbows
    the way
    serious trouble


    Thanks Michelle for reminding me what you and your husband are.

    IMAO is so great for word associations.

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