Revealed: Secret Liberal Proof That Conservatives Are NOT Funny

Hilarious, if only for the pouty, butthurt way these limp-wristed pseudo-intellectual leftist smug-snorters phrase their protestations. (CAUTION: foul language at the link – as if liberals could make jokes without it.)

And for extra super happy lucky bonus funny, let’s look at that oft-cited liberal humor icon Jon Stewart:

[TPM direct link]

At the 32-second mark, note that his ultra-brilliant commentary on the situation’s political subtleties consists of making mumbly-jaw mockery of an old man’s speech patterns.

Truly a high-water mark for cleverly insightful left-wing satire.

UPDATE: Linked by Top Conservative Blogs

UPDATE: Linked by Whiskey Fire


  1. Harvey, I want the 5 minutes of my life back that it took to peruse that link. I couldn’t figure out if that libtard moron was trying to be funny or make a serious point, and in the end, he did neither. I think he was trying to be snarkily funny, but it just came off as mean and/or stupid. He resorted to a lot of ad hominem attacks and didn’t really rebut any of Frank’s points, just called him names. And he completely missed the point of Frank’s piece.

    If I were grading that essay, I’d have to give it a solid D, and that’s mostly just for effort. If I’d turned in crap like that in high school, my 12th grade English teacher would have made me redo the whole thing.

    The moral of this story is that, once again, liberals are dumbasses.

  2. Liberal humor at it’s finest. Unfortunately, this is as good as it gets for them. All you really have to do to be a liberal comedian is say a few lines, then add the punchline “Sarah Palin” and all the libs in the room will all laugh on cue, even though none of them will actually know why they’re laughing.

  3. I tried to read down to the end of the snarky comments if only to post “Frank is so funny dammit.” but I couldn’t make it.

    It is amazing how blind they are to their own bigoted hate chuckles.

  4. hwuu – Personally, I’ve got nothing against bigoted hate-chuckles. I use them all the time. But – unlike liberals – I would never be presumptuous and rude enough to say that my political opponents’ bigoted hate-chuckles “aren’t funny.”

    It’s more correct to say that I’m not amused because I’m not the target audience, and I don’t share liberal prejudices & stereotypes.

    On the other hand, I’d be willing to go the “aren’t funny” route if I were merely aiming for bigoted hate-chuckles.

    Which, in this post, I am.

  5. A funny and incisive commentary is subjected to a strained, vapid attempt at a critical evaluation, thereby perfectly corroborating the point of the original piece.

    The literary equivalent of a teenager’s eye roll, after being called on something obvious. An analogy comes to mind: the daughter who surreptitiously attacked her “slave-driving” parents on Facebook, and her “redneck” IT guy father who, after discovering the posts while spending time and money to upgrade her laptop, publicly turned it into Swiss cheese with a .45 pistol.

    If you’re right about an important issue, sometimes you have to nuke the moon punctuate it with a memorable point. If you’re the teenager, all you can do (besides accept the fact that you were wrong) is repeatedly scream inflammatory names (violent, stupid, bigoted, sexist, etc.) until they stick, and demand that your cronies rally for “justice” and reparations for…something you didn’t earn.

    Guess what? We are laughing at you, but not without a degree of compassion. If the concept of a person actually believing in resurrection is nothing but a joke (or a threat?) to you, well, maybe you can sincerely benefit from a little introspection, rather than defensively react with the banal, intolerant self-righteousness which you project onto your perceived oppressors.

    Who knows — after (Math forbid) the U.S. government turns into Greece’s government, your “enemies” as individuals may be the only ones available who might be able to help you…after your like-minded buddies decide that your tent is public property.

    Apologies for not being very funny in this overlong comment — but I wouldn’t want to confuse any potential readers who wouldn’t know humor if it came up and did something like actually tell the truth about the President in a clever way.

  6. You know you must be doing something right when lefties are talking down to you with such disdain that they can barely hold back the vomit.

    You can also see who the pouty, butthurt limp-wristed pseudo-intellectual leftist smug-snorter in this situation is by looking at how many times Harvey responded to Thers’ post and how many times Thers has responded, insulted, and tried to bait Harvey on his post.

    I too would give Thers a solid D. Not because he comes even close to being funny, but for good spelling and reasonably good grammar. Considering his likely public school education and probably liberal arts degree that’s quite an accomplishment.

    …now go get a real job.

  7. The Butt-Hurt meter in my back-pack exploded as soon as I clicked that link. I wonder I’d they found time to laugh between their uncontrollable sobbing and snot rolling into the keyboard.

  8. Thers – cool choice, I’m a fan.

    d.b. – are you kidding? This place is run by an engineeer, so it’s a humor-wasteland.

    I know Dilbert promotes the stereotype that engineers are hilarious, but don’t buy into it.

  9. Also, a few words: Bill Hicks, Louis C. K., George Carlin
    Most funny, non-political comedians are also not conservative
    You guys have the “hilarious” Nick Dipaulo though. Oof
    Adam Sandler has done funny things, but those things have nothing to do with the conservative ideology he subscribes. They have to do with him acting like a moron.

  10. DB – True, conservatives are vastly outnumbered in the comedy field. To do comedy, you have to be comfortable with just making stuff up. Conservatives are usually more comfortable dealing with hard data, so they end up as engineers or accountants instead of entertainers.

    I don’t intend that as a criticism, just a statistical observation.

  11. I think the focus here is on an uncontrived expression of humor, instead of snort-your-weight-in-drugs-and-rip-your-beating-heart-out-on-stage stuff.

    Why do networks like Current TV and Air America struggle and fail, while conservative-oriented news and radio shows consistently have the top ratings? I say it’s because most people have to deal with everybody else whining in their daily lives, and don’t want to listen to more of it.

    After listening to the likes of Maxine Waters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Al Sharpton, et al. (Gore), with their agenda-driven, fatuous, condescending ranting and name calling — condoned, if not encouraged by the highest levels of the administration — it’s refreshing to hear an avuncular voice making fun of them, focusing mainly on their obvious motives and actual hypocrisy.

    Instead, the left struggles to argue against those with common sense who encourage you to believe your own two eyes when you realize for yourself that, yes, water is wet, it’s stupid and dangerous to promote a large dependency class, those guys yelling “no justice, no peace,” and marching with signs promoting anarchy and violence might be a little less benign than grandmas holding signs calling for smaller government, and that there really are organized groups of people in the world who would kill you if they had the chance, simply because you refuse their religion.

    So, instead of exposing real issues, it’s John Republican = a paranoid, flag-waving, greedy, mean-spirited racist with a southern accent who wants to poison your kids, or Laura Conservative = an uneducated, Bible-thumping, gun-toting hick and a pervert, who just wants to look into your orifices. Har har.

    Those formulaic spit balls only go so far. And the farther one side has to stretch to defend indefensible policy, lies and hypocrisy, the more raw material there is to make Wagyu mincemeat out of them — figuratively speaking, of course — Medium Adders might be taking notes.

  12. Holy Carp on a Stick.

    As a conservative, I’m far too important a person to read all of these comments. Did anyone ever explain the joke to Bullwinkle over on the whiskey site? I realize that spelling it out kind of ruins the fun… but I kinda feel sorry for the little Limeys.

  13. So I’m thinking that this conversation may be suffering from the fact that conservatives have different definitions of certain words than the rest of humanity (much like they have different books of the Bible:). Words like truth and humor seem to be used by conservatives in almost the opposite way that the dictionary and most people understand them. As a liberal, I hate to generalize so I will say that when I say conservative in this context I mean the most mendacious of the conservative blogosphere and the least ironic amongst Limbaugh’ and Savage’ and Hannity’ and Beck’s listenership (who are actually pretty funny in a sick and perhaps unintentional way).

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