Bonus Link of the Day: An Open Letter to Julia

Some sound, fatherly advice for the poor government-owned waif, from Peter of Shakey Pete’s Shootin’ Shack:

Dear “Julia”

This passage amused me to no end:

You will now be ready for “college”. A BA degree will give you almost as much knowledge as a thirteen year old eighth grade graduate of the Teddy Roosevelt era. Please, Julia, do not major in any of the Angry Studies programs. “Julia” Womyn’s Studies will not teach you how to be a woman, only in how to be angry that you are. I started my brief college career when the big fight over the first Angry Studies program was going on. It was Black Studies. I got in trouble, although nothing like I would today, for asking how long this feller would have to study to be black. I then got further marginalized for asking how much someone would pay him to be black with that degree. And would it be more than a black guy with only a high school diploma heavy in shop classes. I got into the last bit of trouble commenting that I served with a lot of black guys in the Service and none of them had gone to collage to learn how to be black yet they were doing just fine at being black. I sat alone at the Student Union cafeteria a lot.

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UPDATE: Linked at JustOneMinute

Link of the Day: Is This What Sandra Fluke Really Said?

[High Praise! to VoiceOfReason]

When asked to name his favoriter underrated blogger, VoiceOfReason said, “This guy hasn’t been posting much recently, but he’s really funny…”

VOR is right on both counts. The last post was from from March 13th, but quite enjoyable:

Sandra Fluke Translator

I’m hoping the author returns from limbo soon. I’d love to read his take on Julia.

Oh, and I also kinda liked the post from December: When You Think About it, Santa Claus is Part of The 1%…

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The Best Way to Trim the Fat From Government Spending

A much shorter missive from Hunter, who you may remember from his recent much longer work:

When people try to personify and envision our government in terms other than “Uncle Sam”, they tend NOT to think “Beauty Queen”, or even “Centerfold” despite the appropriate whorish connotation.

They may think of anything from a Bald Eagle, to the Mighty Colossus, to a Big Fat Pig (complete with lipstick), but overall the once-common association with the Many-Headed Hydra has fallen out of general usage. This is a shame really, because if you took a whole nest of Hydrii, several Chimeras, an Artful Dodger or two, and of course “Sybil” (before or after the psychiatric fraud revelation – doesn’t matter which), and went all “Human Centipede” on their collective posteriors (and orifices), you’d get a monster that seasoned and concerned government watchers would find both horrifying and hauntingly familiar.

We don’t simply need to cut out “all the fat”.

We also need to carve out most of the muscle and a majority of the bones just to get back to the “Dangerously Fit and Trim, Many-Headed Hydra” stage.

Sadly, this is a dragon we can neither slay, nor allow to self-cannibalize.

But returning it to its Constitutional cage would be a great start.

One More on Obama’s Stupid Forward Slogan

Saw this at Powerline, and thought it needed just a tiny touch-up:

[reference link]

No Sitting, Just Bull!

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!

UPDATE: Linked by Top Conservative Blogs