10 Good Uses of the AskMichelle Twitter Tag

The way these dorks keep thinking they can successfully use social media with zero risk of auto-facial detonation reminds me of Pete Puma in the Bugs Bunny cartoon blithely asking to be given “a whole LOTTA lumps!“.

Michelle Obama sayeth upon Twitter: “The First Lady is taking your questions! Reply with yours and she may answer it as part of a video Q&A.”

When will they ever learn?

“Should I go to NAPA or AutoZone for the best deal on hose clamps in women’s sizes?”

1) The Massachusetts food nannies won’t let my club have a bake sale at school. If we want to raise money by selling $6000 purses, will you buy one?

2) If my school only serves tamales made out of tofu, is it then safe to be between you and them?

3) Can you recommend a dirt-resistant designer sweater to garden in?

4) When shopping at Target, how far ahead of time should I book my AP photographer?

5) Do you agree that Hamlet is better in the original Klingon?

6) Grannies, thong, or commando?

7) Is it true that you’re 1/32 Cherokee?

8) Do you like green eggs and dog? Would you eat them in the fog? On a log or in a bog? Maybe with a side of frog?

9) If I go out on a dinner date in New York, will people make fun of me if I didn’t travel to it in a 747?

10) After serving food at a homeless shelter, how do you get that hobo smell out of a pair of $500 sneakers?

So… any questions for the First Lady?


  1. – Is it true that you are just a composite character ?

    – How long does it take you to home school the president on “his” opinions every night ?

    – Whenever Biden opens his yap, do you inhale ?

  2. When will you be reimbursing the white house travel account for your vacations?

    How are you able to afford all those big parties on the white house lawn out of a $50,000 expense account?

    Where are you planning on living next year?

    What can you possibly see in that man?

  3. Is it true that wookies are allergic to tofu?

    What are all those belts holding back?

    Do you think you could take Ladybird Johnson in a fair fight? Would you be interested in a role for a pilot I am working on called “First Lady Survivor”?

  4. Were you teased about “junk in da trunk” when you were young?

    How much can you bench?

    For the first time in your life you are proud of America and for the first time in my life I am ashamed. Is there a correlation?

    Did you know that everytime you’re out of town Barack orders double cheese pepperoni pizzas, sends the Secret Service out for a six pack of Miller Lite, and asks Sandra Fluke over to “watch the game.”

  5. Healthy-eating-wise, what is the best cut of dog?

    Has your husband ever mistakenly called you by the name of one of his girlfriends – Julia, Composite, Rahm…?

    Your illegal alien uncle-in-law, Onyango Obama, was convicted of DUI but recently got driver’s license back so he could continue his job delivering for a Massachusetts liquor store. WTF?

  6. Which breed of DOG is the most tasty?
    Which breed of DOG is most Gaia friendly?
    Which breed of DOG makes the best bbq, smoker, oven roast, pan fry?
    Which breed of DOG is lip smakin’ good?
    Which breed of DOG makes the best left overs
    What wine with DOG, Red or White?

  7. Did you know before you married that communist creep that he ate dogs or did you have to wait till Bill finished the book? Oh wait, are you like most liberals and you never actually read the book?
    Is it embarrassing that Barry claims to be related to those Obama people….I mean…just look at them.

  8. So do you believe white people are devils, especially Jews, and America deserves every bad thing that happens to it, or were you also somehow “not paying attention” in the church of the man who performed your marriage ceremony and baptized your children? And if you somehow failed to notice that the pastor was a hate-filled cretin, does that mean you have so little interest in God that you just zoned out the few times you were forced to go to church?

    Which is it: A) agree with a-wipe Pastor Wright or B) don’t much believe in God? You and that creep you married have left yourselves only choices A or B.

  9. Is it hard to keep from being caught on film?

    Are there enough of you to sustain the species?

    How is Ursa?

    Are the taxpayers going to get stuck with your moving expenses like we have your vacation expenses?

    Why is your husband so lazy? does he not eat right?

  10. How’s the recovery going from the skull surgery?

    What’s that? No Change?

    Have you ever considered a frontal lobotomy?

    Do you use makeup on your skull bones to cover-up the ramming scars?

  11. @ 11: DamnCat
    Apparently the phrase “illegal alien” is now a racist term…..despite the fact that it never refers to any particular race in any way. Therefore, I suggest you replace that term with : Person who is living in this country as a result of breaking the laws which the President of The United States swore an oath, with his hand on a bible, to uphold.

  12. are you going to be ok if you have to sit next to your husband on the flight back to Chicago in January? In coach?

    have you and your husband updated your resumes yet?

    is someone going to get a real job or just more mooching of taxpayer money after this President gig is over?

    how hard is it to turn down that N Korean invitation for BBQ?

    if you haven’t heard a word Jeremiah Wright has said in 20 years, why are you wasting your time going to his church – isn’t the whole point to LISTEN?

    how to you balance stirring up class envy and hosting $50k-a-plate dinners?

    how many calories in the average $50k plate meal?

    how’s it going with the bitter clingers vote?

    so did you enjoy your NASCAR outting? who do you think got booed worse? you or Jill Biden?

    is it true that when Tony Stewart was showing your husband his race car at the White House he gave him a puzzled look and asked “so where do you sit during the race? there’s only a seat for the driver”

  13. Is it true that you have banned mirrors in the White House?

    Can you really snap leg bones with just your jaws?

    Did you catch Reggie Love and Barack … you know … doing stuff?

  14. Why do you purchase such expensive clothes and accessories when you could spend less and give the rest to the poor, like you and your husband demand from the rest of us? Is it because you’re only generous with other peoples’ money?

  15. Will your opinion of this country revert back to hatred, revilation and shame when Barry is defeated?

    Did it ever really go away? We know it hasn’t for your husband spouse.

    Now that he’s for ‘gay marriage’, we have to use the correct term.

  16. @NO_MO_BAMA

    I think you meant to say domestic partner. That way it sounds more like a business arrangement, cause what Klingon would willingly marry such a limp-wristed man-child unless it was some kind of ploy to take over the Federation or some such thing that always gets foiled by a bunch of teenagers and a dog in a van. He can’t even bowl or throw a baseball.

    I bet he runs like a girl too.

  17. I’ve never seen you in the same room a Keith Olbermann; are you really the same person?

    When Michael Moore makes a movie about Obama’s single term in the White House, is Pee Wee Herman really going to play the part of Rahm Emanuel?

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