12 Things Obama Sometimes Forgets About Besides the Economy

Words you should never utter on the campaign trail in the middle of a long, ugly recession when unemployment is over 8%, as it has been your entire term, despite your promise that it would never exceed that number if you just gave enough money to people who voted for you:

“It was a house of cards, and it collapsed in the most destructive, worst crisis that we’ve seen since the Great Depression. And sometimes people forget the magnitude of it… Sometimes *I* forget.”

Much like a soap opera star, apparently our President is afflicted with random bouts of amnesia. If you’ve followed his career, you may have noticed other episodes of this dread malady, for example:

“Wait… WHY did I pick Biden for VP again?”

1) He was giving a speech and forgot his line should’ve been “but *I* can never forget.”

2) He forgot he wasn’t supposed to reveal that he was a time traveler from the future and let slip that the US had 7 more states in his home-when.

3) 20 years of sermons, and he could barely remember his pastor’s name, let alone a single word he said. In his defense, though, the only thing I remember from my church-goin’ days is “Jesus”, “hell”, and something about handbaskets.

4) “Birth certificate? Yeah, it’s right… um…”

5) Had to make a composite girlfriend, because he couldn’t remember which girl said what. What man just nods & smiles & doesn’t pay attention when a woman is talking to him?

6) Remember that Warner Brothers cartoon where an elf that looked suspiciously like Elmer Fudd explained how capitalism works? Obama doesn’t.

7) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Damned if Obama can remember what Mr. Owl told him.

8) Even if Barack remembers his wedding anniversary, he always forgets what size hose clamp Michelle wears.

9) “Dasher… Dancer… Prancer… Nixon… Comet… Cupid… Donna Dixon?”

10) “Cinco de… quatro?”

11) “Let’s see, which hand goes over the heart for the National Anthem? Left? Right?… ah, screw it.”

12) Something he had as a child… between bites of snake, grasshopper, and tiger… it was something really tough… Piano lessons?

November might be a good time to remind Obama how it feels to get shellacked.

You know… in case he’s forgotten.


UPDATE: Linked by Instapundit (Thanks, Sarah!).

UPDATE: Linked by YouViewed.

UPDATE: Linked by LV Review-Journal


  1. “Joe Biden is an idiot. Sometimes I forget. But not for long because he always does something that reminds me.”

    “Constitution??? What’s a Constitution? Sometime I forget.”

    “In America you’re not supposed to eat dog. Sometimes I forget.”

  2. Pingback: Instapundit » Blog Archive » Twelve things Obama Sometimes Forgets About (Besides the Economy.)…

  3. The biggest thing Obama forgets, and frequently, is that he was elected to GOVERN, not to RULE. He needs someone like Ceaser had, to remind him, (Remember, you are only human). Preferably with a brickbat.

  4. How about:
    Keynesianism means infrastructure spending. That is, actual “rate of return on investment” type infrastructure. Not: “You dig a hole. You over there – fill this hole. Look! Two jobs! Wait, maybe I can add overseers….”
    The British are allies.
    The Russians and Chinese are either adversaries or enemies – not allies.
    We’ll let you use the ‘royal we’, but please stop using -I- for everything.
    We do actually use coal here. Heavily defended by Democratic Senators even.
    “Because I say so” isn’t a valid Constitutional argument.

  5. According to Chicago rumors, he had to make up a composite girlfriend because the real ones had penises. (Google “Men’s Country” and “Larry Sinclair”.)

    I frankly don’t give a hoot if he likes to have his bone smoked by men but the revelation would lose him most of the black vote — in which case he is toast now and never would have gotten elected in 2008.

  6. “What man just nods & smiles & doesn’t pay attention when a woman is talking to him?”

    A married one? …

    Okay, I’ll just denounce myself and save you the trouble.

  7. Pingback: “12 Things Obama Sometimes Forgets About Besides the Economy “ « YouViewed/editorial

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