Link of the Day: UK Greens Set New Record in the 10,000 Meter Stupid

[High Praise! to Soylent Green (NSFW)]

Just when you think they can’t get any dumber:

Some of our British cousins have figured out a way to solve it all. They have set up the One Million Jobs Caravan, as part of a “Campaign Against Climate Change”… I’m not sure how they plan to stop the climate from changing, but apparently it takes a million people to do it. To fight against CO2 emissions, the backers plan to get into fossil-fueled vehicles and drive, the lot of them, from city to city all around England and Scotland. And then back again.

But wait – the parachuteless plunge into the chasm of ignorance is only begining…

Energy and Economic Crises SOLVED!

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Biden: “They Don’t Get Who We Are” – Here’s 10 Reasons Why

[High Praise! to T-dog for the link]

In Youngstown, Ohio, Biden went off on a bumbling, stuttering rant against Republicans that ended with “They don’t get us! They don’t get who we are!”

Look, we KNOW we were supposed to do our homework on this and become a frothing, bubbling font of knowlege on the topic o’ Democrats, but it just didn’t happen. Some things came up, like:

Ran out of Red Bull while reading up on your bull.

1) Notes. Good intentions. Hungry dog. Oops.

2) Wikipedia’s down.

3) Every time we look them up on the White House website, their bios change.

4) “The Avengers” isn’t going to watch itself for the 35th time.

5) Democrats aren’t a character class in Diablo III, so we really don’t care.

6) Remember that scene in Matrix Reloaded where Neo had to beat up 100 Agent Smiths on a playground? Yeah, it was just like that, except it was a bag of Doritos and we were on a couch. Don’t tell Michelle, OK?

7) We took a vow of ignorance until a Democrat budget gets a single Senate vote. We suspect the Democrats did likewise.

8) Wait… if you mean the Democrats who filibustered the Civil Rights Act, we actually know all about them.

9) Did you send us something on it? Must’ve gotten caught in the spam filter. We’ll just take a look, and – DAMMIT! Hit delete by mistake. Stupid Gmail!

10) We ran out of gas. We had a flat tire. We didn’t have enough money for cab fare. Our tuxes didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our cars. Our Chevy Volts ran out of power and then burst into flames. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD!

Say, Joe, ya suppose your boss would be willing to just give us an “incomplete” on this assignment?

Documented: Elizabeth Warren – Harvard’s First Woman of Color

[Via Hot Air]

A 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described her as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color,” based, according to the notes at the bottom of the story, on a “telephone interview with Michael Chmura, News Director, Harvard Law

Video: The Perfect Metaphor for Obama’s Economy

Bike. Gravity. Narrow, winding stairs.

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #282,132)

“I think it’s still incomplete. We’ve still got work to do.” – Barack Obama

Obama 2012: Why stop just because you’ve reached the bottom?

Nuke the News: 99 Versus the Zero

* Looks like we may have another debt ceiling fight. The Republicans want some spending cuts so we can at least pretend we’re one day going to take on all the debt we have, while Obama just wants to spend and spend without any limits. Well, maybe there can be a compromise. Republicans will raise the debt ceiling with the only requirement being that Obama sign a letter stating, “I am not a serious person and have no intentions of righting the American economy and debt and only care about political power. I am a failure as president and as a human being. The reason dogs have been mysteriously disappearing form local neighborhoods is me.” How about that? That at least makes sure we’re all on the same page.

* Obama’s budget failed in the Senate, 99-0, because Obama is a useless, silly person. The Democrats, in fact, didn’t have one vote for any budget as they are all useless, silly people. I guess any rational budget would just highlight what a huge mess they’ve made of things. In fact, Harry Reid’s current plan to deal with things is to go completely senile so everything seems fine. It’s working pretty well, actually.

* Well, this whole Warren Elizabeth “faux-cahontos” thing has become a mummer’s farce. It really looks like she is in fact no parts Cherokee though apparently Harvard claimed the pasty white Warren as their law school’s first woman of color. Liberals are such hypocritical jokes about race. I really think she’s going to have to change her political slogan from its current “Give me back my land, pale-faces!”

* A Super PAC is considering bringing up Jeremiah Wright. Democrats are already freaking out. You can go after Romney on a bullying incident from 50 years ago or how he once treated a dog, but talking about Obama’s crazed racist pastor who was his main spiritual influence is out of bounds. I think a good point with Wright and Bill Ayers is that Obama has a history of being around awful people and keeping silent to help himself politically.

Still, I’m not sure it’s worth focusing on this. Usually you bring up the personal stuff about a candidate to say he’s going to do a bad job when in office. For Obama, the fact that he’s going to do a bad job has now been proven by him unfortunately trying to do the job. We probably should mainly focus on that because the Democrats will love any distraction away from it.

* Bipartisan funny – Governor Chris Christie and Mayor Cory Booker made a video together:

I have to say, Booker is quickly becoming my favorite Democrat.

* So we had movies based on amusement park rides and now, with Battleship, we’re down to movies based on board games. Where do we go down from there? Movies based on elementary concepts?

“I got it — Sand… the Movie! Everyone knows what sand is; it’s got great name recognition.”

My hope is that one day someone at home on his computer will be able to make a movie just as easily as one can write a novel. We’ll have an artistic Renaissance when Hollywood is out of the picture. It’s like what happened to journalism when people like me were able to join in because of the internet — i.e., the most awesome thing ever!

Random Thoughts: Professional Writer

You don’t teach the GOP a lesson by sitting out the election. You do that by using a one-armed man.

Ow! That guy nose-butted my fist!

Anyone who uses the phrase “epistemic closure” non-ironically has drank so much Kool-Aid he probably has diabetes.

I rate the universe two Pinocchios.

The scariest part of parenting is when your child is old enough to write a tell-all.

I’m almost certain I’m a professional writer.

“But sir…”
“I SAID D4, DAMMIT!” -dialogue from Battleship, I assume

If Hollywood ever wants a really awesome screenplay, just send me a million dollars.

Obama 2012: Everyone gets a mulligan.

My goal is to one day appear on FOX News yelling at liberals. LIBERALS!!! ::shakes fist::

Without us engineers, science would just sit around in books being boring.