IMAO: Now More Popular Than Paying Money to Talk Dirty to Strangers

While idly flipping through the referer logs, I came across a useless site that someone clicked the IMAO link on. Here’s a screenshot:

You’re reading that right, we beat out, which came in a pathetic 46th place.

Moon Nuker Pride, Worldwide!

Why It’s Perfectly Fine for Obama to Insert Himself Into Other Presidential Biographies

[High Praise! to gun-totin-wacko of HistorySnark]

The way GTW explains it, having President Obama insert himself into other presidents’ bios kinda make sense. For example:

President Eisenhower spent eight years in the White House. He’s best known today for a few habits that he had, since his presidency was a period of amazing growth. For instance, did you know that Ike smoked? And like Ike, Obama smokes too! So he’s carrying on the legacy of Ike’s booming economy by providing stimulus to the tobacco industry.

Eisenhower also is viewed as the father of the Interstate Highway System. He became aware of the need for better roads when, as a young Army officer, he took part in an exercise to see how well troops could be transported across the country. As president, he started the highway construction boom we have today. And Obama, like Eisenhower, is spending billions of dollars on the highways of America. It’s just that the work done under the current administration is either not really being done, or it was already funded. But hey- he’s building on Ike’s legacy yet again!

Eisenhower is also known for having a fondness for golf. Of course, he sometimes felt he had other things to do, and it’s also easier to go golfing when the country and the economy isn’t in the crapper, but Obama is making a point of building on his legacy of golf. Ike might even have helped popularize the game, and Obama… well he golfs a lot. A LOT! So he’s just like Ike!

Plenty more. Just click the link.

Link of the Day: This is What Capitalism Looks Like

[High Praise! to Jimmy]

Consider this a Rorschach Test for your belief in free markets.

I look at these pictures and feel an almost spiritual sense of awe and wonder to think that men could build such things, and – despite the obvious and incredible amounts of cash sunk into this sprawling landscape of engineering wonders – still run the operation at a profit.

Hippies will think of oily birds & cry:

The Canadian Oil Sand Mines Refused Us Access, So We Rented This Plane To See What They Were Up To

Have some oxygen nearby. These pictures are breathtaking.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Elizabeth Warren’s Plagiarized Native American Recipes

Not only is the blue-eyed, blonde-haired 1/32 Cherokee proud of her Native American heritage, she’s also proud to copy other people’s work and pass it off as her own.

The credibility of Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren took another hit today as Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr released evidence that appears to confirm Ms. Warren may have plagiarized at least three of the five recipes she submitted to the 1984 Pow Wow Chow cookbook edited by her cousin Candy Rowsey.

Knowing full well that Moon Nukers are never content with a simple head-shake & tsk-tsk when there’s mockery to be had, I asked Les of Brick Moon [High Praise!] to re-work the cover of the cook-book in question.

Here’s the original:

Here’s the new & improved version.

Anyway, I’m sure that, very soon, Elizabeth will be doing the liberal news talk-show circuit to explain how she actually submitted 200 recipes, and thus fails to meet the 1/32 threshold required to be considered a Plagiarist-American.

Although I’m sure Harvard will still refer to her as their first “Woman of Copy.”

OMG! Functional LEGO Firearms!

[High Praise! to Arik]

To 2nd Amendment types like us, these are a mildly amusing curiosity.

To gun control nuts, it’s “brainwashing children” – the firearms version of candy cigarettes.

Irritating them is why I’m posting this video:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #236,804)

UPDATE: Linked by The Silicon Graybeard

Are Our Problems Too Boring to Solve?

This originally appeared in the New York Post.

At some point, we are going to have to face the fact that we’re never going to deal with the serious problems in our county. The economy is still faltering, our debt seems insurmountable, gas prices are out of control, and terrorists are still trying to blow us up with their underwear. So what’s the big issue dominating the presidential race right now? Gay marriage.

I have noticed a few things about the problems we face. They are all a great threat to our way of life, they all must be handled right away, and they are all extremely boring. I mean, most of these are the exact same problems we dealt with back in the ‘70s — no one solved them then, because they were distracted by the president being a bitten by a rabbit. We’d love some fun new problems (“The polar ice caps are going to melt if we don’t change our light bulbs!”), but instead we’re stuck with these old stale ones. And while we all understand it’s imperative that we tackle these problems, as soon as we try to sit down and focus on them, we find out teenage Mitt Romney cut some guy’s hair, and we want to spend all our time discussing that.

I’m starting to worry that maybe we are no longer even physically capable of focusing on the real threats to our nation. In olden times, people had long attention spans for boring things like debt problems, because all they had were tedious black-and-white movies with no CGI, and all the kids had to play with were sticks and rocks. We have advanced technology and entertainment now, so we just can’t pay attention to the important things for long enough anymore (I’m checking Twitter on my smartphone as I write this). And it’s been going on for some time. Based on news coverage, one of the biggest political events of my lifetime was when the Vice President misspelled “potato”.

And it’s not like we can leave it to the politicians to solve our problems, because they’re not any better. When President Obama took office, he saw the joblessness and faltering economy and said, “I don’t feel like dealing with that; I’ve got this fun new health care plan.” What a fun time we had quarrelling about that one — it really took our minds off the skyrocketing unemployment.

Republicans are no help either. They keep repeating to themselves, “Just focus on the economy and jobs!” but then some social issue pops up, and they can’t help themselves, because if there is one thing the right and the left agree on this country, it’s that social issues are fun to pointlessly argue about. And what’s great is that we’ll always be able to argue about them, because they never get solved.

So what do we do? Our real problems are boring, but we wouldn’t mind dealing with them if we could come up with fun solutions to them that involve explosions and kung fu fighting. Except there aren’t any. It’s all mind-numbing budget stuff, and my eyes are glazing over just thinking about it. Maybe we’ll just have to put Ritalin in the water the way we add fluoride to maybe help us all focus. Because otherwise the only time our economy and the national debt will be interesting enough to hold our attention is when the country has already collapsed. That will really grab everyone’s interest, because you’ve seen how popular all those zombie apocalypse shows and movies are. I’ll bet when the government falls, the nation will divide into smaller regions ruled by warlords. I could totally be one of those. I have a shotgun, and I could make a scary-looking metal mask to wear all the time. And I’d come up with a cool name like “The Decimator.” It would be awesome.

Wait. What was I talking about? Did you hear Obama ate a dog?