5 Reasons To Hate Hippies

I was considering making this a Link of the Day because it’s a truly awesome and heartfelt rant, but it’s got a couple f-bombs in it, so I’d caution the PG-13 readership about visiting.

But if hippies make you feel like laying down a couple of your own f-bombs, reading this will probably give you a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Persistent Vegetative State


Washing your reusable bamboo panty liners in a stream with a rock does not make you Gandhi. Not that he wore pads, but that’s not really the point I’m trying to make.

And really, more often than not, these people who live so simply would be thrilled to do their laundry at your place. Hippies are not Amish, they’re broke. And they’re usually broke because they don’t want to work, or they can’t get real jobs because they have a lotus tattooed on their face and smell like kefir.

Hippies also hate the government, but wish the government would give them more money. And they believe that the country’s financial problems could all be solved by legalizing marijuana.

Brief explanation about the target site:

Etsy is a site, vaguely similar to eBay, which specializes in connecting the buyers and sellers of hand-made crafts.

Regretsy (which the above link goes to) chooses some of the more egregiously tasteless, talentless, and downright revolting Etsy products and malicioulsy ridicules them. Although the owner of the site can be (and usually is) quite mean, her targets are, without exception, deserving of the derision they get.

One of my daily reads and guilty pleasures.


  1. I just went and checked out Regretsy. The site is a treasure trove of stupidity. If you want to spend money on useless junk then the site (Etsey) that Regretsy is lampooning is the place for you.

  2. To be fair, I will say that there are actually plenty of good sellers and products on Etsy, and I’ve actually used the site with complete satisfaction.

    But that small minority of crap-craft sellers… absolutely shudder-worthy.

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