Absolute, Unquestionable, Indisputable Proof That Communism Sucks

Former East Germany, 1991

Same spot, 2003

More “before” & “after” shots here.


  1. after skimming through the article, it was interesting to note that the photographer was upset that all these buildings with all their “character” had been screwed up and turned into places of commerce… “that old stable/salt warehouse was renovated and is now a shopping mall?!?! Oh noes!!!!”

  2. I have a question for readers: If Romney put his dog on the top of his car and whoop all of a sudden turns out Obama ate dog for dinner then WHAT does it mean if Romney beat up a gay????

  3. Most neighborhoods look like the second picture after the obamaaaas move out.

    Wow! you mean to tell me that a market economy generates more revenue for maintenance than a government teatology?

  4. Having visited East Germany in my youth, I have always maintained that young, idealistic college students should be forced to spend one week in a Communist country like Cuba or North Korea as part of their political science course.

    In 1989, when East Berlin was being called the “Showplace of the Communist Bloc,” the food was crappy, the beer was awful, the goods in the stores were cheap Russian and Chinese junk, the toilet paper was sandpaper, religion was oppressed, and cameras and police watched your every move. Except for the toilet paper, it sounds like Obama’s America.

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