Alternatives to Reading Dreams From My Father: I’d Rather…

Recently I suggested in an offhand manner that people should read Bill Ayers’ biography Barack Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams From My Father”.

This suggestion has been met with varying degrees of disgust and revulsion. For example:

I can think of a zillion better things to do with my time, including: roll around in a fire ant nest while covered with honey; try to get a BAC over 0.6 and still survive; and try to explain the free market to a group of hippies. – Ernie Loco

TL/DR – Scott

I’d rather set fire to my face and beat it out with a track shoe. – JW

I’m sensing a trend here.

So let’s roll with it

Tell me… what would you rather do than read “Dreams From My Father”?


  1. Getting a prostate exam from a leper already missing some fingers.

    Spending an evening drinking wine and discussing the pros and cons of the equal rights amendment with Rachel Maddow and a couple of her friends, getting roofied and waking up the next morning with no memory of the previous nights events but with a very bad feeling.

  2. Stand in the middle of a tornado with debris flying around, wondering how the hell I got here………wait. been there, done that….thought I did see several copies of that book whizzing by into the corn fields….

  3. Suck blood out of leeches.

    Go down a slide of razor blades into a pool of alcohol.

    Slam my fingers in a door, again and again and again and again and again…(thanks Weird Al!)

    Marry a gremlin.

  4. Actually, I read it before the last election, which is why I didn’t vote for the guy. What can I say? Reading his book made me think: this guy’s got some serious issues. And who but the world’s biggest egomaniac writes two autobiographies before he’s 50?

    It wasn’t hard — he uses no big words and his prose is sort of “modern college student level,” i.e., an eight year old could easily read it. If you’re willing to suspend your disbelief that an ivy league educated member of the one percent has an interesting story of overcoming oppression to tell, you can drag yourself through it pretty quickly.

    My question is: why didn’t anybody else read it? They keep coming up with new “revelations” from his best-selling autobiography, which tells me that nobody read the dang thing but me. I think your poll here would be more effective if you asked for excuses FOR reading his book. So far, not many people have found one.

  5. claw my eyes out with a spork…

    fall into an outhouse just before it is visited by a platoon of Ukranians who have just finished a prune stew…

    sit through another dance recital in which 600 toddlers tap dance to Yellow Rose of Texas…

    abdominal surgery sans anesthesia…

    an audit…

  6. I’d rather go into space.

    But then I would rather go into space than do anything. And on the off chance that this is some sort of contest and the winner gets his wish, well…

    Wouldn’t you rather get a trip into space than do all these other things that people have thought of?

  7. Actually, now that I’ve had time to reflect on my (post #18) previous position on this matter, I have to say…I’d rather read Dreams From My Father than watch an all night Adam Sandler movie-fest. Sorry, but there are some things even more horrible than reading this particular book.

  8. I’d rather chew my own leg off with a bad pair of dentures than read Obama’s autobiography. That means I’s have to have all my teeth knocked out first and be fitted with a bad pair of dentures.

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