Are You Secure Enough in Your Manhood to Fire This Ammo?

Purse-chihuahua not included.

[High Praise! to Pereiraville]


  1. I couldn’t figure out why Federal would go to the trouble to make pink shotgun shells and suspected it was a photoshop ploy of some sort, then I saw the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on the box and ta-da! mystery solved.
    “But I had to buy 6 crates of ammo, Honey. They’re working to find a cure!”

  2. as an avid sporting clays shooter I can tell you that yes, I’ve shot those shells, as have most of the people at my club as well as other clubs in the area. They’re actually decent shells and they’re priced pretty well. These shells were part of Federal’s breast cancer campaign in February and a portion of the money from the sale went to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation. Towards the end of the month, the spent shell bins at most clubs around me were full of them.

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