Biden: “They Don’t Get Who We Are” – Here’s 10 Reasons Why

[High Praise! to T-dog for the link]

In Youngstown, Ohio, Biden went off on a bumbling, stuttering rant against Republicans that ended with “They don’t get us! They don’t get who we are!”

Look, we KNOW we were supposed to do our homework on this and become a frothing, bubbling font of knowlege on the topic o’ Democrats, but it just didn’t happen. Some things came up, like:

Ran out of Red Bull while reading up on your bull.

1) Notes. Good intentions. Hungry dog. Oops.

2) Wikipedia’s down.

3) Every time we look them up on the White House website, their bios change.

4) “The Avengers” isn’t going to watch itself for the 35th time.

5) Democrats aren’t a character class in Diablo III, so we really don’t care.

6) Remember that scene in Matrix Reloaded where Neo had to beat up 100 Agent Smiths on a playground? Yeah, it was just like that, except it was a bag of Doritos and we were on a couch. Don’t tell Michelle, OK?

7) We took a vow of ignorance until a Democrat budget gets a single Senate vote. We suspect the Democrats did likewise.

8) Wait… if you mean the Democrats who filibustered the Civil Rights Act, we actually know all about them.

9) Did you send us something on it? Must’ve gotten caught in the spam filter. We’ll just take a look, and – DAMMIT! Hit delete by mistake. Stupid Gmail!

10) We ran out of gas. We had a flat tire. We didn’t have enough money for cab fare. Our tuxes didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our cars. Our Chevy Volts ran out of power and then burst into flames. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD!

Say, Joe, ya suppose your boss would be willing to just give us an “incomplete” on this assignment?


  1. I know who the Democrats are! I found their life verse today as I was studying. Revelation 12:13a And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman… See they started this whole war on women thing

  2. Harvey, #10 caused my computer to crash, tipping-over my monitor, smashing my wireless router and cable modem. Coffee is now all over the place and I snorted strange stuff out my nose on my composite girl friend. I can’t take this level of humor without a disaster at my computer. So I’m going outside to cultivate my potatoes!

  3. Wrong Joe…we know exactly who you are. You’re one of the many sorry a$$ SOB’s who have been sucking from the government teat for the last thirty plus years and making a d**n good living at it . You’re the one of the b**tards who’s helped put this nation in debt to the point of national destruction. You’re one of the major Democrat whiners who makes a very comfortable six digit per year income while b**ching about people who have the audacity to earn more than you do…and in the private sector at that. You are a major low life whining, hypocrite, political scumbag and I hope your limo driver beats the s**t out of you someday. Ef-you!

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