Bonus Link of the Day: An Open Letter to Julia

Some sound, fatherly advice for the poor government-owned waif, from Peter of Shakey Pete’s Shootin’ Shack:

Dear “Julia”

This passage amused me to no end:

You will now be ready for “college”. A BA degree will give you almost as much knowledge as a thirteen year old eighth grade graduate of the Teddy Roosevelt era. Please, Julia, do not major in any of the Angry Studies programs. “Julia” Womyn’s Studies will not teach you how to be a woman, only in how to be angry that you are. I started my brief college career when the big fight over the first Angry Studies program was going on. It was Black Studies. I got in trouble, although nothing like I would today, for asking how long this feller would have to study to be black. I then got further marginalized for asking how much someone would pay him to be black with that degree. And would it be more than a black guy with only a high school diploma heavy in shop classes. I got into the last bit of trouble commenting that I served with a lot of black guys in the Service and none of them had gone to collage to learn how to be black yet they were doing just fine at being black. I sat alone at the Student Union cafeteria a lot.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

UPDATE: Linked at JustOneMinute


  1. This is awesome and needs (although it won’t) to be in newspapers throughout the country.

    Another disturbing thought this raises: why is ‘vigilante’ a dirty word these days? Is it because it makes the criminal justice seem like the joke that it acutally is in this country? I think we can trace the start of America’s decline to when ‘vigilantes’ stopped being celebrated as the heroes.

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