Breaking Scandal: Obama Muppet Used in Reno Appearance

By now you’ve seen the picture of Obama in Reno, giving a speech with only two people standing nearby (strangely, neither of them wearing prop white lab coats).

Mostly people are making fun of him for having a tiny audience, but they’re missing the real scandal here:

The “Obama” in the picture is clearly a muppet.

First, his “feet” are hidden by a blocking-screen that obviously serves to hide the muppeteers from the view of the audience. And to hide the fact that – like most muppets – “Obama” has no feet.

Second, you can clearly see the control rods the hidden muppeteers are using to move his arms.

Also, is it just a “coincidence” that the man on the right bears a striking resemblance to the “late” Jim Henson?

There are questions in need of answering here, which I’m betting the liberal toadies in the mainstream media haven’t the guts to ask.


UPDATE: Linked at The Hostages


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