Does This Take Superhero Parodies Too Far?

That Iron Man scooter was crazy enough, but superhero album covers?

Wolverine doing Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”

And yeah, it gets weirder…

(For you younger folks, an “album” was like a big, black CD made out of vinyl that people put on spinning platforms back in the Long, Long Ago.)

(For you older folks, it was like a wax cylinder, except flat.)


  1. “For you older folks, it was like a wax cylinder, except flat.” Harvey? (SMACK!) You young whippersnapper! A little respect for your elders, or it’s the woodshed for you!

  2. Yeah, some of us older folks still have working turntables (Harmon Kardon) but with modern preamps. No way am I parting with my LP collection that goes back to the…. Wait. I ain’t tellin’! Okay, sure… Back to about when Harvey was born. 🙂

  3. Harmon Kardon was kick ass back in the day! But then we would all get “well oiled” an someone would fall on the turntable and well…there goes another LP! Great old days! I still think Vinyl sounds better! I’m going to go out and buy a new LP player and go buy some old records. I miss those days. You young punks can give me a Monica! Hey, I heard that Jimmy is 1/32 Barney Frank! Can anyone confirm?

  4. Oh, ussjimmycarter, you are so right! (But your math is just WRONG, dude – go back to school!) That diamond needle on the end of my stylus is just STYLIN’! It plays over and over and doesn’t wear out. I put on a piano concerto or a symphony or a nice piece of Baroque and crank it up – CD’s just can’t touch it!

    If you surf the web for turntables, amps, preamps and such you’ll discover that the “old audio” is alive and well.

  5. Back in the (when he was a model) day, Frank was quite the Tawny Kitaen of album cover art. Most famous of course for his work as eye candy on albums by George Michael, Boy George and the early career releases of Lady Gaga. – Franks birthday Fun Fact # 176

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