Fred Thompson As Romney’s VP?

Fred’s off the radio now, but he’s got a website, Fred Thompson’s America, where you can submit questions to him.

He’s having way too much fun with this, too:

Q (from 55358): Honestly, any chance of you accepting the Vice Presidential spot on the upcoming Republican ticket to balance moderate Romney? You have been pretty silent until e mails the last three day, keep em coming.

A: Thanks for asking, pal but NOPE. Have to admit, since I’m poor, homely and have a conservative background, I would provide pretty good balance.

Even better – his response to this one:

Q (from 11413): Why am I getting these emails I am neither a Fred Thompson supporter nor a republican. OBAMA ALL THE WAY!!!

A: Sorry, just thought you could use a little enlightenment. Guess I was right. I like your slogan with one small addition:”Obama, all the way… OUT”


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