Fun Facts About the 50 States Redux

IMAO gets a lot of Google hits for the Fun Facts About the 50 States posts I wrote back during the IMAO podcast era.

Thing is, they’re not in their own category, just mixed in with “Fun Trivia”.

I kept meaning to fiddle with the archives & give them their own category, and actually logged in to start doing it last night.

Then it occurred to me that Wyoming went up about 5 years ago. Half the people here haven’t even read it, much less the other 49 states.

And the other half have forgotten enough of the lines for them to be funny again.

So, since posting tends to be light on weekends anyway, I’m going to start re-posting them, one at a time, on Saturdays.

In their own category, of course.


  1. We had vegitarians, but we hunted them to extinction. We were thinking about importing a few democrats, but all they do is stink up the place and leave trails.

    We did get those inter tube thingy’s here last year or so. Now we just has to figure out what to do with them.

    We also have nukes! Lots and lots of nukes. And bacon! Lots and Lots of bacon.

    Fun Fact: Every year we pay tribute to Alan Simpson’s ghost by having a large hunting party with Dick Cheney, and an outdoor rodeo!

  2. That reminds me, I should go back and finish listening to the old IMAO podcasts. I started going through them last year I think, and they still hold up really well and are a lot of fun.

  3. I first found IMAO many years ago through the fun facts on the 50 states! I read them all and eventually realized some guy named “Frank J” also wrote articles on this blog.

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