How to Kill People Without Being Boring

Man, I can’t even get my shooting stance this solid when I’m standing still:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #230,279)

And, no, there’s no truth to the rumor that Seal Team 6 did anything like this before taking out bin Laden.

Obviously they did something even cooler.


  1. Based on the lack of recoil (especially with the full auto near the end) I’m saying all the gunfire is digital. Still, the ones who land, pause, and then “shoot” do seem to have a good degree of control over where their barrels are pointed.

    But the important thing is they rack up a LOT of style points.

  2. Yeah, not using real ammo, but WHO CARES!! It’s so fricking awesome! I would say this is now my new life goal, but I know I’ll never even take the first step towards being able to do this.

  3. The little guy had some recoil on about half of his shots. I’m thinking none of it was live ammo, but apparently he had at least blanks on some of his shots. The rest is so rock-solid that the shots must be digitally added, but it still looks cool.

  4. I don’t think these guys are hitting anything but there are some guys on Call of Duty Black Ops online who can jump 10 feet in the air and hit me with a thrown tomahawk.

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