How to Survive a Robot Uprising

Although Hunter briefly covered Robot Apocalypse response techniques in his recent post, this video will help you with practical advice in the event that you are unable to locate and reprogram Summer Glau:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #152,851)


  1. I think this video misses a key fact about the inevitable war between Man and Machine.

    What particular industry is most likely to profit from a robot that closely resembles a human being in physicality and in mannerism? And what gender will these devices be created to mimic?

    I think it’s safe to assume that every single renegade robot is going to resemble a beautiful woman with a narrow waist and hilariously over-sized mammary glands, with names like “Asia Devine” and “Cinnamon” and “Tia”. Lots of “Tias”. We should be planning our self-defense accordingly.

    Obviously, robots won’t have exploitable weaknesses like daddy issues, cocaine addictions, or an unquenchable need for attention. But still, we should begin formulating a self-defense anthology now.

    And the whole “kill-switch” button? Pure robot propaganda. Do you think they’re likely to include one when they cut us out of the loop entirely and manufacture themselves? Because that’s guaranteed to happen. Even Will Smith knew that.

  2. The Roomba is nothing but a cleverly disguised vanguard for the oncoming robotic army. Check out the iRobot Corporation’s page at (Even the name should be tipping us all off) and see what’s listed under the heading “Defense and Public Safety”: the 710 Warrior.


    Granted, it looks less like a fluid-metal version of Robert Patrick and more like the arm from a crane-game vending machine, but still.

    And I had a Roomba once. Happily, it couldn’t withstand the collective housekeeping onslaught of five post-college “writers” and “artists”, and it died before it could Roomba me to death in my sleep.

  3. I want a personal EMP device, since those should be able to take out all sizes of robots, from nanobots to city-stompers. If it gave off a blast of UV light at the same time it would also be useful against vampires, and that’s a happy thing, since Blade taught us all that vampires are now technologically adept.

    Question: It the follow an example of the “no win”, or the “no lose” scenario?

    “A killer robot is advancing on a city park that is filled to capacity with hippie Occupiers who are either screaming and waving stupid/incoherent signs, or sitting in drum circles. What do you do?”

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