If IMAO Had a Motorcycle Gang

I usually just call you guys “IMAO Readers”.

Which is kind of boring.

Bunch of guys on Harleys get together and they call themselves cool stuff like “Hell’s Angels” or “Sons of Anarchy”.

IMAO Readers need an awesome name like that.

What would you call the IMAO motorcycle gang?


  1. Virtual Bikers is already taken, for the web, maybe AOA’s Arrogant & Opinionated Also.

    For the road…
    HUPPAD’s MC of A
    Hang Up Phukin Phone And Drive. The logo could be a big boot crushing a cell phone

    or HUPPADA!

    The Invisible MC since you have to drive like folks can’t see you, with a camo logo.
    In My Amused Opinion

  2. The Raging Constitutionalists (“Ragers” for short).

    The Enhanced Interrogationists (although Brute Squad, as suggested above, was pithier).

    And Pete, I am SO getting a leather jacket with GET OFF MY LAWN!! on the back. Shaking fist logo on the front, I’m thinking . . . (maybe clutching a water hose?).

  3. – Sons of Liberty (John Hancock, president)
    – Take No Prisoners
    – Road Hard
    ..And to keep things politically incorrect, the Womens’ Auxillary:
    – Cake or Death

    (Frank, you failed to mention one of the coolest and best Club names..and club: The Patriot Riders !! Thumbs up to those guys !)

  4. Riding Harleys?

    Ouch, Ooch, Ouch, Ooch, ok, it’s been 20 minutes let’s take a break I can’t ride any further!

    Douchebags on Wheels
    Stuck on Silly
    Frank’s Farters
    Buttercup’s Peeps
    The Gay Bikers
    My Face to Your Knuckles Gang

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