IMAO Store Is Open Again

Technically, it never actually closed, but we did some housekeeping and made it a lot easier to browse designs by putting all the popular stuff on the front page instead of burying it in categories.

Mother’s Day is coming up, and what woman wouldn’t want a “My biggest regret in life is that I’ve never killed a Communist with my bare hands” shotglass? Guaranteed not to wilt like a bunch of stupid flowers.

Anyway, if you don’t want to buy anything, that’s fine. We just want you to be aware that the store exists, and we’ll remind you of that from time to time.

By the way, if you’ve got any particular requests for products or designs, give a holler. We’ll see what we can do.


  1. “My biggest regret in life is that I’ve never killed a Communist with my bare hands”

    Actually, that almost works for singing to the melody of “Ballad of Lucy Jordan”. How about:
    “At the age of thirtyseven, she realised that she’d never killed a hippy Communist with her bare hands”
    Might take some adjustment from someone with more musical talent though.

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