Liberal Idiocy or Subtle Right-Wing Parody?

[High Praise! to DamnCat]

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Frank wrote this.

See also: the delicious fisking of this nonsense at Ace of Spades HQ.


  1. This feeds into my theory about why conservatives argue better but liberals are funnier. We argue better because we are constantly having to defend our ideas against the status quo. We are not as funny as liberals because they consistently and earnestly churn out hilarious crap like this. We don’t need parodies!

  2. The most bizarre thing is that I read several other articles by this person and I still can’t tell for sure if this is serious or parody. Quigley doesn’t otherwise seem like the kind of extremist who would need to warp logic this badly. Honestly he (she?) seems like a moderate, but this article is just too lunatic.

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