Link of the Day: Is This What Sandra Fluke Really Said?

[High Praise! to VoiceOfReason]

When asked to name his favoriter underrated blogger, VoiceOfReason said, “This guy hasn’t been posting much recently, but he’s really funny…”

VOR is right on both counts. The last post was from from March 13th, but quite enjoyable:

Sandra Fluke Translator

I’m hoping the author returns from limbo soon. I’d love to read his take on Julia.

Oh, and I also kinda liked the post from December: When You Think About it, Santa Claus is Part of The 1%…

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

One Comment

  1. The Sandra Fluke post IS really good. Thanks for the tip!

    You know, I just remembered a blog that I always read when the RSS post comes up (as opposed to skimming the headline to see if I’m interested): Dr. Sanity.

    Doc believes the liberals are crazy… and has a pretty good argument for why she’s right.

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