Link of the Day: It’s Like Where’s Waldo, Except With Words

[High Praise! to EdthePastor]

It’s only 2 paragraphs, so it’s actually a LOT easier than the post title implies. Give it a shot:

Can you see what’s wrong here?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. Was that Obama’s Aunt Zeituni’s purse?

    I doubt it, it’s alleged here that Aunt Missing Link has 24 hour police protection in her free apartment that she got over people who had been on a waiting list for years. His Uncle got his license BACK, even though he has no right to have one in the first place after he plead guilty to drunk driving. He actually works even though it’s illegal for him to work, or drive….because he needed a car to get to work…at a liquor store….which is 3 blocks from his home, that he has no right to live in. I lost mine for 2 years back in the drinking days and they didn’t seem to care that I had to work 10 miles away. I’m not bitter……..
    I don’t want any special rights, just treat me like an illegal immigrant.

  2. It says food stamp card S I wonder how many names she has? Probably equal to the number of kids and I’ll bet none of them match the father(s) of any of them. That seems to be a common theme with all these people. What a Great Society!!!!!

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