Link of the Day: Occupy Wall Street – Words vs Pictures

[High Praise! to John]

From Monster Hunter Nation (the blog of author Larry Correia), a brief comparison of what its defenders say about the Occupy movement, juxtaposed against pictures of what the Occupy movement has done:

A legitimate political movement

If you’re in the mood for lighter fare, there’s this fun list:

Less Ambitious Novels

A sampling:

Red Badge of Participation

Journey to the Center of my Living Room

For Whom the Phone Rings

Apocolypse When I Get Around To It

Lady Chatterly’s Optometrist

Also fun, if you’re in the mood to curl up with something wordy, Larry responds to his hate mail:

Hate Mail Response to my Hate Mail! (and I Godwin the hell out of this post)

That one’s got some adult language, but like Larry said, “Warning, there will be bad language. Because you simply can’t talk about people this willfully ignorant without using the f word.

How ignorant?

“I mean, seriously, calling the Nazis socialist is just dumb.”

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

UPDATE: Linked by Instapundit

UPDATE: Linked by Occupy Wall Street Info

UPDATE: Linked by Wake Up America


  1. Pingback: Instapundit » Blog Archive » A LEGITIMATE POLITICAL MOVEMENT. (Via Frank J.)…

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  3. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Link of the Day: Occupy Wall Street – Words … | PAULitics.US – Wake Up America

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