Link of the Day: The Julia Auditions – Rejected Applicants

[High Praise! to The Irritable Pundit]

You just know that Obama’s minions searched high & low for a real-life Julia before settling on a badly-drawn cartoon composite to represent America’s ultimate Ward of the State.

Who were those rejects? The Irritable Pundit offers their profiles:

The Real Julia

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. I met the Julias!
    I went to school with one, I dated one in college, I worked with one, I got stuck behind one at a buffet once, and I d**n near married one!
    Ah memories!
    (I thought I’d suppressed those, dang it!)

  2. #3 – Burmashave,
    1 out of 5 correct.
    I dated a Jules Gotanyweed in College.
    She brought marijuana brownies to class one day.
    I was enjoying the home-made goodness of this unexpected treat when I overheard the following: “How much did you put in?” “Oh, about half a lid.”
    To which I interjected, with my mouth still half full of brownie, “Half a Lid? Half a lid of What???”
    I was so naive back then.
    But I finished the brownie anyway, because hey! It’s a brownie!

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