New T-Shirt: No Hippies

Don’t know why we didn’t have one of these years ago:

Poor baby! THE MAN is harshing his mellow!

Now available at the IMAO store.

Additionally, I recently realized that CafePress DOES offer a “print on the back option”, so I added some back-printed t-shirts to the Moon Nukers section (first 9 items).


  1. Oh wow man, like he’s all sad an stuff ’cause the Earth is dyin’ man, and it’s all the fault of the corporations ‘n global warming. Don’t you wanna save the planet ‘n stop wars ‘n other bad stuff?

  2. Funny, the Occupy Movement has actually made the hippies look good…

    The hippies were actually protesting a war that they themselves could be drafted to fight and die in, despite not supporting it.
    The Occupy kids want other people to pay off the student loan that they agreed to pay before getting their college education.

    The hippies started their own communes to attempt to live the socialist ideals they aspired to.
    The Occupy kids sit in a park demanding other people pay off the student loans that they agreed to pay before getting their college education.

    The hippies started their own fashion movement that – while often intentionally bizarre – was unique to the hippie movement.
    The Occupy kids dress like hippies.

    The hippies promoted peace and equality mainly by getting stoned while sitting in drum circles playing music.
    The Occupy kids promote peace and equality by smashing the windows of stores and cars owned by other people.

    The hippies “dropped out” of society to protest their aversion to the way society operated.
    The Occupy kids demand that everyone in society change their lives to cater to their every whim…including to pay off the student loans that they agreed to pay before getting their college education.

  3. Mike and Harvey,
    Occutards icon would be a crying baby face with a bluetooth headset, northface jacket, holding an iphone in one hand and a starbucks in the other and a t-shirt that said…
    “Come witness the oppression inherent in the system!”

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