Nuke the News: Growing Our Way Out of Problems

* So the socialist won the French presidential election. I know what you’re thinking, “Great! That exactly what France needs to turn itself around: be more socialist.”

Anyway, what they’ve been doing in Europe is this thing called “austerity.” That just a fancy word for “doing the only sensible thing.” You see, the governments there are spending way more than they take in, so they’re trying to cut spending because that’s really your only option in that situation.

Ends up the only sensible thing is super unpopular.

So France has elected a socialist to end all that austerity. Greece also struck out against austerity. They’re going to grow their way out of this situation. Or maybe ride unicorns across a rainbow out of this situation — whichever is more realistic. I mean, how are they going to grow out of this? “Hey, businesses, ignore our oppressive taxation and costly welfare state and come here!” Any day now, Europe is going to get burned down for the insurance money as that’s the only option left.

* I think Obama also wants to grow us out of our current debt problems. Or give us free contraceptive until the problem is fixed. Or he just doesn’t care at all about it. Yeah, I think it’s the last one.

* Obama may not get to try his pro-“not caring about important issues” strategy as Romney is closing in on him in the polls. I still can’t believe Obama gets 47%. I mean, 47% of people are looking at what’s going on now and saying, “I want more of this!”? I understand people may think Romney won’t be a good president, but it seems ridiculous to think he’d be a worse president than Obama. I mean, what are the chances we’d get the most horrible president ever and then get an even worse one? It’s got to be minuscule by any statistical model. Voting against Romney because you think he’d be worse than Obama is anti-science.

* Biden says he’s “absolutely comfortable” with gay marriage. I’m just surprised he didn’t say “literally comfortable.”

So what is Obama’s position on gay marriage? He’s against it but… not really… maybe. He has a Schrödinger’s cat position on that issue, and we never get to find out whether the cat is alive or dead until a bill actually ends up on his desk. And he’s going to do whatever he can to avoid that. At least until the election is over.

* Wisdom of the Day from Bryan Donaldson:

The most popular method of birth control for married couples is obstinance.


UPDATE: Linked by Darth Chipmunk


  1. hate to disagree with wisdom of the day but the most popular method of birth control among married couples is children. Yeah none of you childless guys will understand that one.

  2. “Biden says he’s “absolutely comfortable” with gay marriage.”

    Yep, because to Joe Biden “gay” is just another word for “happy,” and who could be against that?!

  3. Obama has a plan to fix France’s economy, but if Sandra Fluke develops an allergy to latex or marries a woman it falls apart completely. Plan B involves telling the Germans that David Hasselhoff is being held hostage in Paris.

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  5. I must disagree with your assessment that “’austerity'” is “just a fancy word for ‘doing the only sensible thing'”. In Europe, austerity means cutting only what you absolutely must, while raising taxes.

    This is the ruse that liberals have been playing, equating European austerity with American austerity, pointing to Europe, and saying, “see, conservatism is a failure.” The political backlash has been against raising taxes, not just on the rich (as they have mostly fled and cannot cover a deficit), but on everyone, to the point at which the new taxes cannot be covered, which, to my guess, will result in confiscation of property. Look at what Greece did with its new property tax.

  6. I mean, 47% of people are looking at what’s going on now and saying, “I want more of this!”?

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a record 49 percent of Americans live in a household where someone receives at least one type of government benefit.

    So, the answer is ….yes.

  7. So, who’s going to do the burning?

    The Joooooooooooos – duh! They don’t call it Jewish lightning for nothing. They’ve learned though, they’ll dress up like primitive Arabs and everyone will blame them…..oh wait, it’s Europe, no they won’t.

  8. It’s been called a “debt spiral.” But lately I’ve been wondering if it really isn’t a “debt fractal,” mathematically speaking. All our government does is find new ways to produce debt… endlessly… like a giant sinkhole that won’t stop… like Stephen King’s “Langoliers” where the past eats the present until nothing is left. Like debt has procreated and spread its philosophical DNA across all nations. There appears to be no way out it.

  9. if everyone just exchanged their IOUs, wouldn’t it all even out?
    Or find the one guy who doesn’t have any debt and blame him, then we could all start over.
    Oh wait, we already did that.
    (Luke 23:34)

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